(New Video Post) What I forgot About #SelfLove

Hey guys, Happy Self Love Saturday!!

Today’s video is a reminder about the maintenance of #SelfLove. I often meet people who think starting a “self love journey” means now life is perfect and your confidence is perfect and everything should just come together in a nice little bow. But in my experience that’s definitely not the case! The point of Self Love is awareness, acceptance and improvement. Maintaining that cycle is all that matters and understanding that in order to keep your self esteem up, and your self confidence then you have to constantly be doing the little work. This video is a reminder of some of the steps that I forgot to maintain my own self love.

(New Video Post) What Do You Need to Succeed? #SelfLoveSaturday

Happy Self Love Saturday,

This post is going up late because I was speaking on a panel for The Toronto Black Film Festival on “How to Make A Web Series” It was a great panel with a packed room and it gave me a good boost. Literally last night I was feeling a little doubtful and confused and today I was reminded that I’ve done a lot of work and still have more to go. I’m grateful.

Anyway today’s video goes with my thoughts for today and I ask a simple question? What Do You Need To Succeed? Once you think about it, then ask yourself if any of this stuff currently in your life? The environment? The people? Whatever it is, whatever you need, start today.

(New Video Post) Who is In Your Circle of Influence #SelfLoveSaturday

“Love in your mind produces love in your life. This is the meaning of heaven.
Fear in your mind produces fear in your life. This is the meaning of hell.”

I’m re-reading “A Return to Love” By Marianne Williamson. It is such a beautiful and eye opening book and probably the best thing I’ve done for myself this month. I’ve hit the chapter on “Relationships” and Marianne simply puts it that all of the relationships in our lives are for the purpose of teaching. We are to teach the people in our life something and they are to teach us something and all of it is strategically put together by God. Reading this gave me a big “a-ha” because I’ve been analyzing my friends a lot in the last little while and why we’re in each other’s lives, but Marianne Williamson reminded me it’s about teaching. I often forget how important the teaching process is, and both positive and not so positive experiences can teach us something that will change our lives and perspective forever. This is a necessary part of growth. Check out my video below, inspired by “A Return To Love” and the below quote for a little more #selflovesaturday inspiration.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

(New Video Post) Stepping into Your Light

I created my youtube channel trailer this week and in doing it, I realized I’ve done a lot. Not to toot my own horn but I’ve been pursuing this thing for awhile and in creating my channel trailer it kind of felt more like I was creating a demo reel on my life’s work lol. It was an interesting experience on deciding what to put in, and how I wanted it to come across and just who and what is “Andrea Lewis Channel”. In the end I was proud looking back at it, thinking about where I started my career and then why I started this youtube channel and if my initial goals met my current ones.

My mission and my goals for my career are still the same as they’ve always been since I was a little girl but in reflecting on my career and my life as an artist I had a sad realization that I’d yet to truly step into my light. I looked back on my work and realized that I had a lot of moments that I could’ve done more. And this is not one of those “we’re our own worst critic” moments, this is real honesty, that I am actually capable of being, doing, acting, giving, living, having, believing, dreaming and did I say BEING more!

When I look back, there is always a moment that I can reflect on where I wasn’t giving my all, I wasn’t truly giving myself a fair shot at winning. The slightest and simplest self sabotage in the most irresponsible of ways. Not always consciously but most of the time just simply being lazy. As I’m writing this, I’m actually having an “ah-ha” moment of just trying to think why? The word safe immediately comes to mind. Maybe I found safety and comfort in holding myself back just enough? Like as if I’ve been willing to take just a little bit of risk, just a small leap of faith lol. But the full thing? The real pressure on myself to go 150% though? To be in the best shape of life? To work on my craft and my skills so feverishly that I could never doubt them? To think about my looks strategically and to be vain for just a moment so that it would benefit me? To finally find my light and actually stand in it? I haven’t done that, I know that I’ve just been comfortable and doing just enough.

One of my best friends, boyfriend always accuses her of only going 30% “She hasn’t tapped into her real potential yet, she’s not really trying yet.” Whenever he says it, I feel like he’s talking to me and not my friend. But birds of a feather stick together right? And he’s right my friend is only operating on her lowest setting, but her and I had a real conversation one night about her fears about herself. Her reasoning for holding back was simply her own doubt that she could handle the pressure. Afraid she’ll disappoint and not measure up to the requirements. But you’ll never know if you don’t try right?   

I’ve been fortunate to witness a lot of my friends and peers, take the challenge of stepping into and owning their light. Stepping up to the pressure and making the changes necessary to be and do what they wanted. They all found a way to own it, even if that meant they had to fight harder than they’ve ever fought before, but in the end that fight took their lives and careers to another level. And though I’ve gotten far and I’m grateful for all that I’ve learned and experienced, I’m now at a stage where my “cutting corners” and playing it safe is beginning to catch up with me and make me very frustrated and restless.

I’m sharing my honest thoughts and progress with you guys because I know that I’m not perfect, but I’m striving to be the best version of myself that I can be and that requires me to be open. I say all of this to say, if you’re anything like me, ask yourself honestly if you’ve found your light? And if you haven’t what do you need to do find it and own it?

You’ll never know if you don’t try

-Sincerely my nagging conscience.

(New Blog Post) The Analysis of ‘Choice’ #SelfLoveSatuday


Happy Self Love Saturday. Today I’m talking about choices.

Lately I’ve been analyzing my choices and why I do what I do, where it stems from? What these choices say about who I am, and what I want in my life and as well what my choices are highlighting about my mistakes?

Why does “drama” and stress come into my life,  And did I make a choice to invite it in? Because I really do believe that even in the negative or not so good things that happen in our lives we still had a choice in how we dealt with it and sometimes we had a choice in letting it in all together.

How many of us say, I don’t like “drama” but still have friends, people or situations regularly in our lives that invites drama or we may in directly find ourself involved?

I’m naturally very maternal and I find that along with this trait comes my need to help solve and fix the problems of others, especially if I feel like I have a lot of knowledge or understanding of the scenario. I’m also an empath,

Being an empath is when you are affected by other people’s energies, and have an innate ability to intuitively feel and perceive others. Your life is unconsciously influenced by others’ desires, wishes, thoughts, and moods. Being an empath is much more than being highly sensitive and it’s not just limited to emotions

I will easily scroll through my twitter or Facebook feed and read 2 or 3 stories, watch a couple videos and be in tears for a multitude of reasons. And my intuition is literally like a wifi signal for my friends moods and problems. I’m only realizing now that I’m like this, and in order to not feel overwhelmed with the problems of others I have to protect my energy and time because I will easily give myself to people and situations that can  drain me. I’m still learning this lesson and adjusting it regularly though.

I recently experienced a situation where my time and effort were taken for granted and the best way for me to explain the way I felt was, played. I was definitely disappointed, but my intuition kept saying to me in this moment “you played yourself”. Somewhere in this situation, I let my maternal instinct get the best of me and I made the choice to give my energy and my time. I made the choice to be forthright and involved in a way that I should’ve known would naturally put me in a place of vulnerability because I would end up expecting reciprocation or face disappointment. But either way my maternal and empath ways were going to end up depleted and I didn’t need to be. I made the wrong choice. I should have made the choice to help from the sidelines instead of carrying the baggage of someone else.

But I couldn’t help but ask myself why I made this choice? Why did I set myself up for disappointment? Did I not listen to my intuition or did my ego think I was capable of fixing something that was meant to be a lesson for someone else? I’m still not sure to be honest but all I know is somewhere I made a choice and the choice has made me analyze a simple and subtle problem that I think could’ve been avoided. I don’t like stress and drama but I walked right into it, I opened the door wide open and invited it in, so being annoyed in the end is no ones fault but my own.

But the loop hole that I missed has made me think, and think and THINK about what my choices say about me and how do they help me to move ahead in life? Do I make positive choices for myself? Am I self sabotaging even within a good intention because I am ignoring clear signs of “drama”? Sometimes self sabotage is not as obvious to us as we think it is, and one simple choice can lead you down a wrong path.

There’s nothing wrong with helping your friends, and there’s nothing wrong with being empathetic but taking on baggage, or parenting grown ups, these are choices that can lead to problems. And even within a good intention you can be making the wrong choice. A good intention should help both me and you in the end and that’s not being selfish, that’s just being smart.

I sincerely hope to learn and have a better understanding of my choices in 2017 and to leave the unintentional drama and stress behind.

 Have analyzed your choices? How have your choices affected you? Let me know in the comments below and have a wonderful Self Love Saturday & Christmas Eve! xo

(New Video Post) Broken Camera – But The Show Must Go On! #SelfLoveSaturday


Happy Self Love Saturday!

My camera is broken 🙁 It hurts me to type that. I gave it in to the repair shop yesterday and all the camera stores I went to gave me the same report that it would take 3-6 weeks because of the holidays…womp womp :(.

But as disappointed as I am the show must go on. That was the lesson for me this week, regardless whatever bumps, heart aches, unexpected repairs, and whatever other BS comes in your way, the show doesn’t stop! You have to keep going.

What is “the show”? The show is your goals, your dreams, your long term plans, your true self, your best self, it’s the thing that is most important to you — The path to this doesn’t stop because of stress, depression, defeat, financial strains etc. Stay focused on the course, deal with the problems as they come in the best way possible, in the way that serves you in the end. Learn the lesson, grow and prosper! All week that message has been slapping me in the face, asking me “what is important to you? Why? How will you do it?”  I have a cough/cold right now and I had an audition yesterday where I had to sing SING 4 songs. So I tied my boot straps tight, drank all the tea my pantry had to offer, hot tottied my way to bed every night and sweat through all the layers of clothes I had on to make sure something resembling “Andrea the singer” would show up to my audition.

My camera’s broken but that doesn’t stop me from posting and talking about my weekly Self Love Message because it’s not about my camera in the end, it’s not about a super polished image and a bunch of likes, it’s about my journey and talking about it with the community of people who have constantly encouraged and inspired me to keep going.

The show must go on.

Today my message to you, is no matter what you’re going through, stay focused on the long term goal,  take a deep breath, talk to a friend or family member if you can’t solve the issue on your own and aim for success. Your goals don’t stop, your growth don’t stop. YOU don’t stop! The show must go on.

(New Video Post) Gloing Up? What Now? #SelfLoveSaturday


Happy Self Love Saturday!!!

So we’re in phase one of the “Glo Up” what do we do now? This is when we plan, strategize and then execute. We know we want better for ourselves and to change and now the only thing to focus on is how? How, why and what do we need to do? I love strategy, it gives me energy to come up with a new plan and I’m truly excited when I begin to execute it. The last 2 weeks have been spent, dreaming, analyzing and planning for my future and accepting my present state. I feel hopeful, grateful and a lot more energized.

Take this weekend to make a plan for yourself, check out my video below and let me know how your beginning is going!

(New Video Post) 21 Day Detox Complete! [Vlog] #SelfLoveSaturday

Happy Self Love Saturday!!!

I did it! Woop! Woop! Completed the 21 Day Detox and look and feel great! Like seriously, so much more energy, focus and positivity was brought into my life over the last 21 days. My next challenge is a 5 day raw challenge, I’ll only be eating raw vegetables and fruits and nuts, seeds, juices and smoothies. Writing it out, it sounds pretty extreme lol but it’s only for 5 days and I really want to cleanse my system in every way possible so I’m excited for the challenge. For those of you who are doing the 21 day challenge with me, keep going! And if you’re thinking about starting it, I strongly encourage you to! You can find all the rules HERE

To follow my 21 day Detox Vlogs, click the links below

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7 &8

Day 9 & 10

Day 11

Day 12

Day 13

Day 14

Day 15 & 16

Day 17 & 18

Day 19

Day 20 & 21


(New Video Post) “Let’s Get It Together” [Vlog] #SelfLoveSaturday #21DayDetox


Happy Self Love Saturday!

This video marks day 7 of the my 21 day detox, for those of you who are doing it, how are you doing? Today I woke up without gas or tummy aches so I’m feeling pretty happy.

In this video I want to reflect on Self Sabotage and why/how we do it to ourselves and why its important for us to try our best to stop! If you notice a certain pattern of behavior that you do that always ends in the same result of NOT getting what you want, then it’s time actively do something different. In the book “The Artist’s Way” they use a great analogy of treating your talents/potential like a young inexperienced horse that you need to pull along because they are going to have fears and doubts and resistance.

Looking at self sabotage in this way is really helpful, but along with talking about self sabotage I want us to start to hold each other accountable and I believe it’s time to look amongst your friends and talk about your wants, dreams, desires and goals and how we can all help each other to grow and ultimately WIN.

Check out my video below and let me know your thoughts in the comment section. Xo

(New Video Post) #21DayDetox Days 4-6

Hey guys!

I’m officially on Day 7 of the 21 Day Detox, you’ll see a recap of my day in tomorrow’s #SelfLoveSaturday video but for now catch up on Days 4-6 with me. So far the challenge is going well, I’m still craving donuts, cupcakes and cookies but I’m keeping strong and not having them. I’m also recognizing how often my brain/body trys to sabotage me by telling me “it’s okay to cheat…just have one” etc etc. The mantra “don’t cheat yourself” keeps going around in my head like a loop and it’s working! If you’re doing the 21 day detox let me know how you’re doing in the comments below.