(New Video Post) What I forgot About #SelfLove

Hey guys, Happy Self Love Saturday!!

Today’s video is a reminder about the maintenance of #SelfLove. I often meet people who think starting a “self love journey” means now life is perfect and your confidence is perfect and everything should just come together in a nice little bow. But in my experience that’s definitely not the case! The point of Self Love is awareness, acceptance and improvement. Maintaining that cycle is all that matters and understanding that in order to keep your self esteem up, and your self confidence then you have to constantly be doing the little work. This video is a reminder of some of the steps that I forgot to maintain my own self love.

(New Video Post) What Do You Need to Succeed? #SelfLoveSaturday

Happy Self Love Saturday,

This post is going up late because I was speaking on a panel for The Toronto Black Film Festival on “How to Make A Web Series” It was a great panel with a packed room and it gave me a good boost. Literally last night I was feeling a little doubtful and confused and today I was reminded that I’ve done a lot of work and still have more to go. I’m grateful.

Anyway today’s video goes with my thoughts for today and I ask a simple question? What Do You Need To Succeed? Once you think about it, then ask yourself if any of this stuff currently in your life? The environment? The people? Whatever it is, whatever you need, start today.

(New Video Post) Who is In Your Circle of Influence #SelfLoveSaturday

“Love in your mind produces love in your life. This is the meaning of heaven.
Fear in your mind produces fear in your life. This is the meaning of hell.”

I’m re-reading “A Return to Love” By Marianne Williamson. It is such a beautiful and eye opening book and probably the best thing I’ve done for myself this month. I’ve hit the chapter on “Relationships” and Marianne simply puts it that all of the relationships in our lives are for the purpose of teaching. We are to teach the people in our life something and they are to teach us something and all of it is strategically put together by God. Reading this gave me a big “a-ha” because I’ve been analyzing my friends a lot in the last little while and why we’re in each other’s lives, but Marianne Williamson reminded me it’s about teaching. I often forget how important the teaching process is, and both positive and not so positive experiences can teach us something that will change our lives and perspective forever. This is a necessary part of growth. Check out my video below, inspired by “A Return To Love” and the below quote for a little more #selflovesaturday inspiration.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

(New Post) 5 Ways To Have The Most Productive Year Ever

Happy New Year!!

Its the first day of the year and all of the plans, the resolutions and all of the other wishes are starting today! Like many others I am very excited for a fresh start and a new chance to apply the lessons I learned from 2016 into this year and form better habits to allow me to dream bigger and reach for more. I’ve been very fortunate to naturally be a self motivated person but I realize not everyone is like this and we all could use a pick me up every now and then, myself included to set us up in the most productive way. So to kick off my 2017 I made a list of my top 5 tips that I’ve used for staying motivated and having a productive year. Read below and let me know what are you doing to ensure that 2017 is your most productive year ever?


1.Get Motivated and Break Your Bad Habits

It takes 21 days to make or break a habit and a lot of people say it’s easiest for their mentality to start a new challenge on the 1st of the month. Take advantage of this day and mark it on your calendar as the start of your challenge and then mark off your completion day. Start with identifying the habit that you want to break ie. smoking, cursing, sugar, negative thoughts or the habit that you want to gain like reading daily, meditation, positive thoughts, daily exercise. Now take the baby steps to motivate yourself daily by starting everyday with a list of the tasks for the day and highlight the challenge on your list. Highlighting it is making it a priority for your day. I’m currently doing the 21 day detox again and on my daily task list I have the detox highlighted with a note to do a food journal through my day. Making the food journal one of my priorities helps keep me on task for my goal and learn healthy eating habits.



2.Meditation and Daily Affirmations

“I am _____” Look at yourself in the mirror and say 10 positive things about yourself and your life daily. This practice is proven to act as a confidence booster and personal motivator. Putting positive intention on your life aligns your thoughts with your daily work. Using daily affirmations and adding in meditation are the perfect way to keep you zen all year. I love meditation because I think it’s like having a very relaxing conversation with God. No words, just deep breathing and clearing your mind of stress, worry and daily distractions. The practice of meditation can be difficult to start, but if you focus on short periods of time, 5-10 minutes to begin it makes it a lot easier to build your practice up. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, relax your body (I prefer to be sitting, that way I don’t fall asleep lol) and focus solely on your breathing. I’ve also added in using meditation music to help keep my mind focused and the music is a big help in making me relaxed.


3.Get Creative

Get a notebook and write down 5 creative ideas that you’d like to do this year. Coming up with creative ideas is a great thing to aim for and look forward to in your year and can be equally as motivating and exciting as booking a vacation! So have some fun, dare and dream and ask yourself “what do you want to do?”

4.Plan Ahead

It’s time to make your plan for the next few months. Get a big white board, or a note book, or just a plain piece of paper, anything that you can keep in front of you daily. Take those creative ideas that you wrote down in the step above, and now it’s time to realistically write down a plan for them with a deadline for starting and completing. Plan out for the next 4 months, take the time to daydream about what your ideal work load looks like? Are you working like crazy from now till March because in April you’re taking a spring break? Or is the last Saturday of every month the deadline for a new chapter in the book your writing? All that matters is you write the plan down in a simple way and you have it somewhere in your room or home that allows you to see it everyday. Seeing it daily will act as a reminder and is the most helpful way for you to actually complete your goals.   


5. An Accountability Partner

My mom always says “one hand washes the other” so ask for help from the people around you. We can’t do everything by ourself, and our friends shouldn’t just be in our life to look cute, so don’t be afraid or too prideful to ask them for help with your ideas and to hold you accountable. Ask a friend to remind you about your deadlines or even be a nag about completion dates. Send them a screen shot of your calendar and in the nicest way possible ask them to remind you about the important things and do the same for them.

I hope these tips will help, wishing you guys nothing but productivity and success in 2017!

(New Video Post) Gloing Up? What Now? #SelfLoveSaturday


Happy Self Love Saturday!!!

So we’re in phase one of the “Glo Up” what do we do now? This is when we plan, strategize and then execute. We know we want better for ourselves and to change and now the only thing to focus on is how? How, why and what do we need to do? I love strategy, it gives me energy to come up with a new plan and I’m truly excited when I begin to execute it. The last 2 weeks have been spent, dreaming, analyzing and planning for my future and accepting my present state. I feel hopeful, grateful and a lot more energized.

Take this weekend to make a plan for yourself, check out my video below and let me know how your beginning is going!

(New Video Post) “Let’s Get It Together” [Vlog] #SelfLoveSaturday #21DayDetox


Happy Self Love Saturday!

This video marks day 7 of the my 21 day detox, for those of you who are doing it, how are you doing? Today I woke up without gas or tummy aches so I’m feeling pretty happy.

In this video I want to reflect on Self Sabotage and why/how we do it to ourselves and why its important for us to try our best to stop! If you notice a certain pattern of behavior that you do that always ends in the same result of NOT getting what you want, then it’s time actively do something different. In the book “The Artist’s Way” they use a great analogy of treating your talents/potential like a young inexperienced horse that you need to pull along because they are going to have fears and doubts and resistance.

Looking at self sabotage in this way is really helpful, but along with talking about self sabotage I want us to start to hold each other accountable and I believe it’s time to look amongst your friends and talk about your wants, dreams, desires and goals and how we can all help each other to grow and ultimately WIN.

Check out my video below and let me know your thoughts in the comment section. Xo

(New Post) Art & Positive Affirmations #words #prettypics


Yesterday myself and one of my dearest friends, Rosco Spears had a day of art, palm readings and Shake Shack aka rejuvenating our spirits.

I’m working on listening to my intuition, enjoying my present moments, finding inspiration in everything I lay my eyes on and accepting where my journey has taken me and ENJOYING it! The good, the bad, the ugly, I just want to laugh, learn and love! Today was one of those days where I knew I was in the right place, at the right time, doing what I needed to be doing. Spending time with one of my closest friends, talking about our lives, our lessons learned, looking at beautiful and thoughtful art and eating a cheese burger.

It was a good day.








(New Video Post) “Actions Speak Louder Than Words” [Vlog

Happy Self Love Saturday!!

“Actions Speak Louder Than Words” is a common saying that we’ve all heard a trillion times, but this week I had a lesson in accepting it.

It seems simple but over the years I have had a hard time truly accepting the actions of others when it goes against my image of them or getting something I want. But this week I think I finally got it and then I realized the same goes for myself in terms of accountability, am I just talking the talk? Or am I walking the walk too?

Our words mean nothing if there’s no action to back it up and this week I had a lot of self reflection and questions for myself because there’s nothing louder than the volume of our actions. So ask your self, how often to point fingers in regards to your situation? What are you physically doing to change your situation and who in your life are you listening to in the wrong way? Listening to their words instead of their actions? Check out my video below and let me know how your week has been!

(New Video Post) Getting Results [Vlog] #SelfLoveSaturday

Hey ya’ll!

How are you? How has your week been? I’ve been working on a Short Film about Self Love and it is giving me everything I need in this time, spiritually and creatively! God’s timing is always perfect and he knew I needed to be working on this project at this time.

I also watched a really great Tony Robbin’s video that you can check out HERE about his Rapid Planning Method and getting results. This video made me truly step back and ask myself “am I getting the results I wants and if not what do I need to do differently?” Doing the same thing all the time and expecting a different result is the epitome of crazy and I’m always checking myself to make sure I’m not crazy lol. Check out my vlog below and if you’re in NYC let me know if you’d be interested in coming to a fun event with myself and the cast of Beyond Complicated!

(New Video Post) How To Gain and Lose Friendships #SelfLoveSaturday


Happy Self Love Saturday!

A lot of you had questions about friendships on my last video so I tried my best to cover everything from how to meet friends in your early 20’s, losing friends on your self love journey, and what to do when you need to cut off your friendships all in one video.

On my self love journey over the last few years, I’ve had a lot of change with my friendships. I’ve gained amazing friendships that have helped me to grow and become the woman that I am today and I’ve lost friends who were no longer on the same path as me. But all of it has been with a greater purpose and I always trust that I am around the right people at the right time. Check out my video below on what I have learned about gaining and losing friends.