(New Video Post) Embrace Your Mistakes #SelfLoveSaturday

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Happy Self Love Saturday! 

Today I want to talk to you guys about “Embracing Your Mistakes”. It has taken me a long time to learn the power of embracing my mistakes and not dwelling on them but rather learning from them and doing better. When you know better you do better and the only way to learn is through your mistakes. I had to learn that I had to let go and just learn, the mistakes I had and continue to make don’t make me a failure they make me smarter, stronger, wiser and more confident. I’ve been through a lot, I’ve made mistakes, I took what I learned and I grew and that’s what life is about. Check out my video below on the importance of embracing your mistakes.

(New Video Post) “Be Grateful But Not Content” #SelfLoveSaturday


Happy Self Love Saturday!

Today I want to talk to you guys about being “Grateful but not content”. I’ve been spending a lot of time working on my gratitude. If you follow me on instagram you’ll know that I recently completed my 100happydays challenge which was basically a challenge in Gratitude and I’ve been reading a lot about the importance of Gratitude. I recently read “What I know for Sure” by Oprah and she spoke a bit about being grateful but not content with her life when she was younger and it was this that helped to drive her to get further ahead but her gratitude helped her to not stress and remain happy on her journey. I’m definitely in this place in life right now, where I’m very happy with my life and my experiences but I’m in no way content with my life and I’m constantly looking for more. My self love journey has helped me to finally be okay during this time in my life whereas in my past I didn’t feel grateful, instead I was stressed and worried because I wanted more and I lost sight of being grateful. Gratitude has definitely helped me to understand the journey and all of the little messages and lessons along the way to growing, check out my video below on why I’m grateful but not content.


(New Video Post) Enjoy Your Freedom #SelfLoveSaturday


Happy Self Love Saturday!

Today’s post is dedicated to anyone who is worried and stressed about getting into a relationship and finding that “perfect” someone. I know that we all want to be boo’d up especially now that it’s winter but I have to try and encourage you to enjoy your freedom right now. A lot of people think that a relationship will bring them happiness but honestly in my own experience happiness truly comes from with in and if you aren’t happy with yourself first there isn’t any relationship that will change that. So take this time to enjoy your freedom and truly live for you. Seek happiness and peace and love for you and don’t wait for “Prince Charming” because he can only take you so far if you haven’t done the work to find it for yourself. Check out my video below on “Enjoying Your Freedom”.


(New Video Post) Trust The Process #SelfLoveSaturday


Happy Self Love Saturday!

I read the quote above and it spoke directly to my life at this moment. This year has been oddly challenging for me and at times a real test to my faith and patience but I have no choice but to ride the wave and just trust the process. My self love journey has taught me that everything happens for a reason and it’s all for a greater plan to prepare you for something much bigger. The scary and rough parts of the ride are necessary to the process and one day everything will make sense. Check out my video below on the importance of trusting the process.


(New Video Post) Dream Big But Focus Small #SelfLoveSaturday

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Happy Self Love Saturday!

Today’s video is inspired by a quote from Oprah to “Dream Big But Focus Small”. When I read this quote from Oprah a million light bulbs went off in my head because this is ALL I know how to do! I’ve told you guys many times that I have HUGE dreams that often keep me up at night and used to truly overwhelm me because I didn’t know where to start and how to make them my reality, until I learned how to focus on the small steps. When it comes to my self love journey and my career I have a big picture in my head but I’ve had to take the small steps in order to get things done and the small steps have been improving my health, conquering my fears,  being shameless about my work, working on my craft and a whole ton of other steps that I’ve talked to you guys about on Self Love Saturdays. When we focus small we remain on the right path and get things done the right way, check out my video below on why you should “Dream Big but Focus Small”


(New Video Post) Deciding & Defining What You Want #SelfLoveSaturday

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Happy Self Love Saturday!

How are you guys doing? Today I want to talk about Deciding and Defining what you want in life. I think this is a crucial step for self love and overall success. It’s one thing to say you want to be happy or successful or in love but what do those things look like for you? Is it a big home? Is it living having a big family? Is it simply peace of mind? The sooner you define it, the easier it is for you to go after it and achieve it because you will go in the direction of what you want and your focus will be crystal clear. The moment I decided and defined what I truly wanted in life the quicker the universe made room in my life for my vision of success and happiness and I’m still going! Check out my video below on the importance of Deciding and Defining What You Want.

(New Video Post) Dealing With Anxiety #SelfLoveSaturday


Happy Self Love Saturday!

How are you guys doing? If you’re on the East Coast I’m sure you’re as happy as I am that we’re having this Indian Summer right now, I’m hope it just keeps going this way!

Today I want to talk to you guys about “Dealing With Anxiety”, before I started my Self Love Journey I used to have terrible anxiety! It felt like nearly everything made me anxious and worried or scared about what was going to happen and my mind always thought the worst. One day I was having a conversation with my nutritionist about how anxious I was and that I needed some help to deal with those feelings and she said, “anxiety is accepting defeat”. These words really hit me in the worst way because I realized that I truly was accepting defeat in all situations. I was worried about something that hadn’t happened and I was creating the worst scenario for myself instead of thinking about the best and coming up with a solution. I didn’t want to be to the type of person who accepted defeat and who gave up on myself before I even started, I had to figure out how to overcome this mindset. I then read the book “How To Stop Worrying and Start Living” which is an amazing book for dealing with anxiety, in this book they talk about thinking about the worst case scenario and then a solution for it. Once you’re prepared, you’ll feel at ease and this is basically the theory that they encourage in this book, to have a solution for everything even if it’s a bad situation, what’re you going to do to get out of it?

When I started to think about solutions to all of my worries my whole life turned around. I found myself to be calmer, and more empowered and whole lot less anxious and that was the biggest relief. Check out my video below, I share a few of my solutions for dealing with anxiety.

(New Video Post) Taking Risks & Knowing Your Worth #SelfLoveSaturday




Happy Self Love Saturday! 

How are you guys doing? Today I want to talk to you about “knowing your own worth” and “taking risks” and why I believe that both of these things go together. My self love journey has taught me to have a lot of confidence in myself and be sure in who I am and what I am doing and where I am going in my life. This confidence has made me realize that the “risks” that I have to take are really not risky at all but rather just steps that I need to take in order to move ahead on my path. I have come along way, I have learned from great teachers, I have survived and succeeded through all of my bumps and falls and it is all of this history that makes me aware and confident of my worth and why I will be okay through any “risk”.

When you reflect on all that you’ve been through and all that you’ve learned and how far you’ve come than you’ll see that the things that you are contemplating, the “risks” that you are worried about, are really not risks at all because you’re prepared and ready for them. Take the leap! Check out my video below and have a great weekend xo


(New Video Post) The Importance Of A Balanced Life #SelfLoveSaturday

Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony. – Thomas Merton

Happy Self Love Saturday! 

Today I want to talk to you guys about the importance of having a balanced life. The more I enjoy my life the more I realize how important it is for me to have a sense of balance and structure and I need to have a little bit of everything going on in my life in order to feel like a grounded person. In my past I used to only focus on my work, and everything had to do with it, even my hobbies were all to do with my work and this ended up burning me out. It took me awhile to figure out that I needed my life to be a good mix of work, play, love, art and giving back.

As a part of my self love journey I took the time to work out the balance that I need for my own life and happiness and this step has been incredibly important for my overall growth as a woman. We need to work hard, but we also need to have fun and a social life! I truly believe we all need a creative outlet and I also believe that it is incredibly important to give back to your community through charity and volunteer work. We all have to do our part in this world and each one should teach one and help out as much as possible to make your own world a better place. Check out my video below on why I think having a balanced life is big part of Self Love!

(New Video Post) Breaking Through Depression [9 Self Help Tips]

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I’ve been very open about the fact that in my past I suffered from Depression and this is why I now work so hard at having a positive mentality and lifestyle. My depression started sometime in 2009 and lasted till 2011, and it was a very dark time in my life and it truly felt like I would never get out of it. Near the end of 2011 I was fortunate enough to have a small moment of clarity to motivate myself to find every way possible to break through my depression and change my life and everything that I have done for the past few years is a direct result of breaking away from my depression. Gaining control of my life and mind has motivated me in ways that I could never have imagined. But it didn’t come easily, I have worked and continue to work very hard to be a positive person and I treat my depression similar to a person who is a recovering addict. I am aware that I am the type of person who needs to be in a controlled environment all the time and around people that uplift me because I am prone to being negative about myself and my life in an unhealthy way. Over the years I have learned a lot and figured out a few tips that helped me to break through depression naturally and I wanted to share them with you guys, check out my list and video below. If you are going through Depression right now, please tell someone and trust me when I say, you can get through this so hang on.

1. Tell Someone 

It is so important to tell someone about how you feel. It’s hard sometimes to be so open and vulnerable but when you tell someone it allows for help to come your way. You can not do this alone, so please find someone that you are comfortable with and tell them how you feel.

2. Diet & Nutrition

During my Depression I gained a lot of weight, because my diet was very reckless and I didn’t realize it but a lot of the food I ate was apart of the problem. Healthy foods are so important when it comes to changing the way you feel about yourself, we need nutrients and balance in our diets. Change your food and see how your mentality begins to change too.    

3. Sleep 

Sleep more! I cannot stress enough how important good amounts of sleep are for your health and mentality. I used to go to bed at 4am every night because a million thoughts were running through my head and I was avoiding sleep. This was a huge battle for me to fight and it took me a long time to finally get a normal sleep pattern. But similar to my bad diet, the lack of sleep was also a big part of the problem with my depression and instead of helping me it was hurting me. Normal amounts of sleep are incredibly important to making you feel healthy and happy, so please go to bed at a normal time and make sure to get at least 6 hours of sleep every night.

4. Write it out 

Write out how you feel, it will feel like a release and give you a small sense of calmness. I do a lot of writing through out my day, I write myself love notes in the morning, a to-do list every night for the next day and I write out my feelings if I’m not in the best mood. Writing is like therapy for me and was a big step in my recovery because I was able to release my thoughts and worries on to the pages instead of keeping them bottled up inside. I highly suggest writing every day, whether it’s a sentence or a full page, but just be in the moment and clear your thoughts by writing it out.

5. Exercise 

Studies have shown that daily physical activity for just 30 minutes a day helps to relieve stress, and boost your mood and this is what you need if you are feeling depressed! I know it will be hard and you may not want to get out of bed but you have to force yourself to do it. Tell a friend to work out with you or get a personal trainer who will hold you accountable, just find a way to get at least 30 minutes worth of exercise every day.

6. Dancing & Singing 

Did you know just 10 minutes of Dancing and Singing every day can make you feel amazing! Regardless if you’re an actual singer or dancer, this can still do wonders! I’m a singer so this is easy for me to do but I make sure to sing every day just for fun and I dance as a part of my physical activity. Try it, it’s pretty addicting.

7. Set Small Goals 

Setting small goals for yourself helps you to get back into the groove of things and this is very important. When you are feeling depressed you normally don’t want to do anything at all but it’s very important to force yourself out of this funk and setting small goals can help you to do this.

8. Self Help Books 

I love Self Help Books! For over 2 years all I read was self help books and as corny as this sounds, they helped me lol. I’ve done a couple videos on a few of my favorites here.

9. Control Your Thoughts 

 This is the most important step of them all, you have to learn to Control Your Thoughts! It’s going to be hard but the more self aware you become the easier it will be. Realize that at this time you are in a negative head space and that your thoughts are similar to a wild horse, so whatever you do not let it run wild, control what goes in and what comes out. Don’t expect it to happen over night but the more you work on it the easier it will be.