(New Video Post) Learn To Coach Yourself #SelfLoveSaturday


Happy Self Love Saturday!

Hey guys, how are you? Today I want to talk to you about being your own self motivator aka your own coach! A lot of people ask me how and why I started my self love journey and it was simply because I wanted to live a better life and do more for myself. I knew that the only person who was going to get me to that place was ME so I became my own coach! I focused on positive changes, growth, love and relying solely on myself instead of other people. Prior to this I spent my life blaming outside factors and other people for my problems and mishaps and it got me nowhere, I didn’t want to do this anymore. I focused on me and motivated my own self love journey and two years later here I am! Check out my video below on the importance of being your own coach!

(New Video Post) Owning Your Creativity #SelfLoveSaturday Inspired by @_MyCC

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Happy Self Love Saturday!

Hey guys today I want to talk with you about “Owning Your Creativity” inspired by an awesome twitter chat I was apart of a few weeks ago with Melissa Kimble and LoveMyCC.com. When I think of what made me decide and feel confident in owning my creativity, it all starts with Self Love. With this journey I was able to commit to creating a vision board, making a plan, having discipline for my craft and career and being shameless with my self promotion. All of these things came about with commiting to self love and I was able to own who I am, what I do and where I plan to go! Check out my video below on the importance of Self Love and Creativity and as well check out LoveMyCC.com and become a part of the next twitter chat in May.

(New Video Post) Finding Self Love in a Relationship #SelfLoveSaturday



Happy Self Love Saturday!

Today I want to talk to you guys about the moment I discovered I needed self love more than ever before and it was while I was in a relationship. I am naturally a very giving and selfless person and through out my life it has been both a gift and a curse. In the past when I’d be in a relationship I would be so concerned and focused on the needs of my partner that I would often end up forgetting about myself or putting my wants away in the back of my mind. I feared if I didn’t do everything for the person infront of me that they would leave me or think I wasn’t good enough, I was leading with fear. This was a terrible way to be, because I was putting my insecurities first and living with them instead of fixing them. I knew at this time that I needed self love. I was holding on to damage from my past experiences and living with a negative belief about myself and forgetting that inorder for my partner to be happy, I have to be happy as well and ignoring my wants and needs in this relationship was the last thing I needed to do. Check out my video below on how I discovered the importance of self love while being in a relationship.

(New Video Post) The Darkest Hour Only Has 60 mins #SelfLoveSaturday


Happy Self Love Saturday!

Today I want to talk about the quote “The darkest hour only has 60 minutes” . I stumbled on this quote on instagram right when I needed it. I had many moments last year of asking “why is all of this ish happening?!” and when I saw this quote I actually got some reassurance because I realize that whatever I am going through, it wil pass and it’s only an hour, or a day, or a month etc. And when I come through it I will have learnt a whole lot more and grown tremendously. That’s the cycle of life, we have to go through rough times in order to come out stronger and wiser but like the saying goes, “even the darkest hour only has 60 minutes”. Check out my video below and I hope this helps anyone going through a rough time.

Don’t forget to Donate to My KickStarter HERE.

(New Video Post) “What About Your Friends” #SelfLoveSaturday


Happy Self Love Saturday!

Today I want to talk to you about the importance of good relationships. “Show me your friends and I’ll show you who you are” is the saying I often hear when it comes to choosing friendships. It took me a long time to understand how important it was to have like minded, positive people in my life for my sanity and growth. When you have someone around you who is no longer serving you in a positive way, then it’s time to analyze why they are still around and make some changes to your relationship. Check out the video below on why I think it’s important to anaylze your relationships.

(New Video) Letting Go of Grudges #SelfLove


I told myself in 2015 I was no longer going to hold on to any past grudges, hurt and ill feelings towards people and circumstances that I can’t change. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and as much as some situation suck to go through, I needed to experience them in order to grow.

Holding on to a grudge, whether I realize I’m doing it or not can effect me more than the situation itself, simply because I’m allowing it to brew inside of me by going over the woulda/shoula/coulda of the situation. I’m sick of feeling this way so I decided that this year I was going to be honest with my feelings and say how I feel in the moment or write it out in a letter and get rid of it simply to be able to release my pent up feelings and not create a ball of negativity inside of me. Doing this has helped me a lot to get rid of some of the grudges that I’ve been holding on to and to be honest with myself and the other person about how I feel. Check out my video below on the importance of letting go of grudges.

(New Video) “Embrace Change, Be Malleable” #SelfLoveSaturday


Happy Self Love Saturday!

How are you doing? Today I want to talk to you about embracing change and being malleable to God’s plan. My theme for this year is “change” and I’m doing a lot of things to bring change into my life but at the same time I’m learning that I have to let go of control and just let some changes come naturally. In doing this I have to be malleable to God’s plans for me and I can’t try and predict and hold on to everything in my life because some changes are supposed to come in their own time. Check out my video below on why it’s important to me to embrace change and let go of control.

(New Video Post) Be The Star of Your Own Life #SelfLoveSaturday


Happy Self Love Saturday!

How are you guys doing? Today I was inspired to talk to you guys about “being the star of your own life”. In the book “A Return To Love” By Marianne Williamson she speaks about society’s obession with Celebrity Culture and the fact that she believes we are so obsessed with celebrity because most people are not starring in their own lives. I completely agree with her and I used to be one of those people who was not being the lead in my own life and was instead waiting for something else and feeling like I wasn’t good enough to be the lead.  If it wasn’t for my Self Love journey I probably would still feel that way, but I can honestly say that once I began to live life according to me and not what I thought others wanted me to be I started to be okay with letting my peacock feathers fly and I realized life was too short for me to not live this way! Check out my video below on the importance of Being The Star of Your Own Life!

(New Video Post) Start The Year with Self Love & Self Investment #SelfLoveSaturday



Happy Self Love Saturday!

Hey guys! Happy New Year! How are you? I’m excited, this is my favorite time of year because we all get a chance at a new beginning! For me this is a time of self reflection and goal setting and today I want to talk to you guys about the importance of your vision board and your overall theme for the year and how a new start on your self investment will help you to have a fantastic year. 2015 is my year of change, I plan on changing a lot of things in my life, all the things that I’m not satified with, any of the bad habits that I haven’t let go of, and finding away to go harder, do more and be better! It takes 21 days to make or break a habit so I’ve decided to start my year with two new challenges, the first being a 30 day flat Ab challenge with http://www.blogilates.com/ and then a 100daysofGratitude challenge. I did a 100happydays challenge a few months ago and it was a lot of fun and definitely had some challenging days but I decided to do the Gratitude Challenge because I feel like gratitude is very different from Happiness but the two go hand in hand. Like I mentioned before, this is my year of change and before I can make any changes to my life I need to feel grateful for what I have and a gratitude challenge will help as a constant reminder of that. Check out my video below on how I’m starting my New Year!

Happy Self Love Saturday!

(New Video Post) Save Yourself #SelfLoveSaturday

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Happy Self Love Saturday!!

Today I want to talk to you guys about saving yourself from anything! I learned this at some point in the beginning of the year when I realized that I was my own super hero, and the only person I could rely on to take me out of a situation was myself! It’s easy for us to blame our situations on different people or other factors but you have to realize that stuff happens and the only person who can fix it or change or help it is you! Save yourself! Check out my video below on the importance of learning to save yourself!