(New Video Post) Summertime Skin Care [Healthy Diet Tips/Detox Water]

Hey guys!

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During the Summer months and warmer weather I usually want to wear less and less makeup, (a good tan is usually all you need in the summer) in order for me to do that I have to make sure that my skin is amazing! Amazing skin usually comes from a healthy diet and making sure you’re releasing the toxins that are sitting inside of you.

Right now I’m doing a lot of juicing and drinking water, specifically detox water. Detox water is infused water with fruits and herbs, like watermelon and rosemary or pineapple and strawberries. Infusing your water with fruits gives the water a little more flavor and gives the water all of the nutrients that comes from the fruits! It’s a great way to drink water, if you’re the type that doesn’t really like to drink water and it looks really pretty LOL! Drinking a lot of water is a huge help for weight loss and clear skin, we’re supposed to drink up to 8 glasses of water a day, which is a lot but it makes you feel good when you do it. Every year my summertime goal is to have clear skin and be as makeup free as possible, check out the video below for some of my health tips to get clear skin.


  1. Cassie Nicole says

    Great tips Andrea! I love infused water and I really should start juicing again, I try and not wear makeup as often when I’m just relaxing at home or with friends, but if I do i tend to just try and be as light as I can with it. I loved watching this video though! I also have a beauty/lifestyle/well being channel if anyone is interested in checking it out ! 

  2. Ooo I’m gonna try the infused water 🙂

  3. Ahshante says

    I’ve been trying to get on (and stay on) the smoothie train, and I’m definitely gonna try that infused water, looks delicious. Lord knows my skin could use the help. Thanks for the tips!

  4. I really love smoothies but can’t use leafy greens in mine. For some reason raw green veggies make my throat itch. Infused water sounds like a great idea that I have to try.

  5. T Williams says

    I had this same problem. But now I thoroughly wash my greens beforehand and I’m ok.

  6. Great tips and I feel you about makeup. Less is more. In the summer we want our skin to breathe. I like smoothies in the warmer months. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Great post! I myself also prefer a relatively natural skin with as less makeup as possible. I like the idea of detox water and definitely will try it more often this summer. Thanks for sharing 🙂