(New Video Post) Stepping into Your Light

I created my youtube channel trailer this week and in doing it, I realized I’ve done a lot. Not to toot my own horn but I’ve been pursuing this thing for awhile and in creating my channel trailer it kind of felt more like I was creating a demo reel on my life’s work lol. It was an interesting experience on deciding what to put in, and how I wanted it to come across and just who and what is “Andrea Lewis Channel”. In the end I was proud looking back at it, thinking about where I started my career and then why I started this youtube channel and if my initial goals met my current ones.

My mission and my goals for my career are still the same as they’ve always been since I was a little girl but in reflecting on my career and my life as an artist I had a sad realization that I’d yet to truly step into my light. I looked back on my work and realized that I had a lot of moments that I could’ve done more. And this is not one of those “we’re our own worst critic” moments, this is real honesty, that I am actually capable of being, doing, acting, giving, living, having, believing, dreaming and did I say BEING more!

When I look back, there is always a moment that I can reflect on where I wasn’t giving my all, I wasn’t truly giving myself a fair shot at winning. The slightest and simplest self sabotage in the most irresponsible of ways. Not always consciously but most of the time just simply being lazy. As I’m writing this, I’m actually having an “ah-ha” moment of just trying to think why? The word safe immediately comes to mind. Maybe I found safety and comfort in holding myself back just enough? Like as if I’ve been willing to take just a little bit of risk, just a small leap of faith lol. But the full thing? The real pressure on myself to go 150% though? To be in the best shape of life? To work on my craft and my skills so feverishly that I could never doubt them? To think about my looks strategically and to be vain for just a moment so that it would benefit me? To finally find my light and actually stand in it? I haven’t done that, I know that I’ve just been comfortable and doing just enough.

One of my best friends, boyfriend always accuses her of only going 30% “She hasn’t tapped into her real potential yet, she’s not really trying yet.” Whenever he says it, I feel like he’s talking to me and not my friend. But birds of a feather stick together right? And he’s right my friend is only operating on her lowest setting, but her and I had a real conversation one night about her fears about herself. Her reasoning for holding back was simply her own doubt that she could handle the pressure. Afraid she’ll disappoint and not measure up to the requirements. But you’ll never know if you don’t try right?   

I’ve been fortunate to witness a lot of my friends and peers, take the challenge of stepping into and owning their light. Stepping up to the pressure and making the changes necessary to be and do what they wanted. They all found a way to own it, even if that meant they had to fight harder than they’ve ever fought before, but in the end that fight took their lives and careers to another level. And though I’ve gotten far and I’m grateful for all that I’ve learned and experienced, I’m now at a stage where my “cutting corners” and playing it safe is beginning to catch up with me and make me very frustrated and restless.

I’m sharing my honest thoughts and progress with you guys because I know that I’m not perfect, but I’m striving to be the best version of myself that I can be and that requires me to be open. I say all of this to say, if you’re anything like me, ask yourself honestly if you’ve found your light? And if you haven’t what do you need to do find it and own it?

You’ll never know if you don’t try

-Sincerely my nagging conscience.

(New Video Post) #21Day Detox Update Days 1-3

Hey guys!

How many of you started the detox? How’s it going so far? It’s Nov 1st so this is the perfect day to start and you’ll be finished before Thanksgiving! (That’s for my foodies who may be worried).

I started 3 days ago and so far it’s been interesting, I’ve been traveling so my food in take has been adjusted naturally because I’m not in my comfort zone. But I’ve been doing pretty good, the challenge for me is always the sugar! Sugar is in everything and I’ve yet to feel like fruits were ever enough to satisfy my sweet tooth. Don’t get me wrong I always enjoy the fruits, but it doesn’t compare to a donut and cupcakes or chocolate. On this reset I really want to gain will power, often times thats what I feel is my hurdle when it comes to eating healthy and sticking to a clean diet. I’ll be going strong and then go to an event and I just have to try one dessert or I’m invited to a game night and there’s a bread or dip or pizza or something that I know I shouldn’t be having but I’ll go for it anyway and five pieces later and a sore tummy and I’m filled with regret. The indulgence just isn’t worth it but my eyes are bigger than my stomach so this is a lesson I keep learning over and over again.

I’m hoping this reset is going to be the trick to keep me on a path of sticking to an eating plan that helps my body and puts me in a position of control with my body rather than feeling like I have none. If you’re subscribed to my youtube channel than you would have seen my first 3 daily vlog videos tracking my progress, it’s been a very interesting process to do the daily vlogs along with eating healthy but I’m glad i’ve committed to it because it’s holding me accountable. Check out the first 3 vlogs below and let me know in the comments how your detox has been going. Best of luck! xo

(New Video Post) Top 5 Ridiculous Expectations of ACTORS

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I recently had a conversation with a friend and she said, “there’s something I’ve always wanted to know about Actors but never had a chance to ask?…How am I supposed to know when you’re not acting anymore? Like when were you being Hazel and when are you being Andrea?” …. *Blank Stare* *Awkward Silent Pause* LOL I was completely stumped on how to answer this because the answer seemed very obvious to me buuuutt I’m never “Hazel” I’m always “Andrea” in real life and I’m only acting when I’m on set or stage because that’s my job lol. This question though as silly as it was to me is a common misinterpretation of what it’s like to be an actor, so I decided to gather a few of my talented friends to discuss the “Top 5 Ridiculous Expectations of Actors” check out the video below and chime in if you agree.

1. Can You Cry?

“You’re an actor! That’s awesome, can you cry on the spot?” No! I don’t know any actors that can cry on que but I do know a lot of actors who can cry while doing a scene that requires them to have certain emotions and they are only able to cry because they have practiced, studied and prepared to be as much in character and connected to the scene as possible aka acting.

2. When Are You Not Acting? 

The type of person who is “acting” all the time whether it is their job or not is mentally unstable. Actors are not “acting” everywhere they go or constantly being a character. Is a receptionist always answering a phone and organizing files? No. Actors are only acting while they are at work.

3. Act for me Now!

I’m sorry but just because I have a profession in the arts doesn’t mean I’m a puppet or wind-up toy that can tap dance whenever a random stranger wants some entertainment. This same question is asked every time someone finds out I’m a singer as well, “oh you’re a singer? Let me hear something…” *walks aways*

4. Have I seen Something?

I understand why people ask this question to actors but like Rob says, as an actor you usually feel a bit uncomfortable if they haven’t seen anything and you’re trying your best to cater your answer to the taste of the person asking.  But honestly if you don’t recognize them, then you most likely haven’t seen them, and that’s okay!

5. This is Tough..

Yes, we all know that being an actor is tough and not everyone is going to become a big Hollywood star but not every actor is after that! Every industry has their challenges but that doesn’t stop people from pursuing their dreams and actors are no different please stop reminding us about how tough our industry is.

If you’re an actor, what else would you add to the list?

(New Video Post) “Tips for Aspiring Actors” #TuesdayMemo

Hey guys!

I meet a lot of young aspiring actors through my social media, and day to day excursions and a lot of them don’t have a clue where or how to start but they have the passion and the energy so I decided to make a quick video to give you guys a few tips for how to start as an actor. In this video I’m covering, Headshots, Resumes, Agents and Hustling! If you’re an aspiring actor I hope these tips help you and best of luck on your journey, feel free to email me for any advice andrealewismusic@gmail.com.

(New Video) Headshots 101 – Actor Chats #blackactress

I recently got new head shots taken and I’m really excited about them! It’s a been a few years since I took new shots and I’m in a great place, stage and age in my life that I can honestly say I feel like there’s some new energy in my acting career!

The great thing about new head shots is that it’s a new start in some ways. Casting directors get to see you in a new light whether it be a little older, slimmer, more confident, new hairstyle or whatever you want, you’re breathing new life into YOU! I did my shots with a great photographer Pierre Gautreau who I’ve shot with many times before and he gave me the best advice, “a great shot is all about the energy that you give to the camera” and I found this to be true. I came into his studio like BAM and I felt like that through the whole shoot, I was relaxed and happy and at the end of the day my agents were happy and I was too with the final results.

Whether you’re an actor or not I think professional photos are a must have and can be used in so many ways! Check out my story about my head shots in the video below and if you’re an actor let me know your secrets to a great shot and if you’re not, consider getting some professional photos done whether for business or personal! xo