(New Video Post) #21Day Detox Update Days 1-3

Hey guys!

How many of you started the detox? How’s it going so far? It’s Nov 1st so this is the perfect day to start and you’ll be finished before Thanksgiving! (That’s for my foodies who may be worried).

I started 3 days ago and so far it’s been interesting, I’ve been traveling so my food in take has been adjusted naturally because I’m not in my comfort zone. But I’ve been doing pretty good, the challenge for me is always the sugar! Sugar is in everything and I’ve yet to feel like fruits were ever enough to satisfy my sweet tooth. Don’t get me wrong I always enjoy the fruits, but it doesn’t compare to a donut and cupcakes or chocolate. On this reset I really want to gain will power, often times thats what I feel is my hurdle when it comes to eating healthy and sticking to a clean diet. I’ll be going strong and then go to an event and I just have to try one dessert or I’m invited to a game night and there’s a bread or dip or pizza or something that I know I shouldn’t be having but I’ll go for it anyway and five pieces later and a sore tummy and I’m filled with regret. The indulgence just isn’t worth it but my eyes are bigger than my stomach so this is a lesson I keep learning over and over again.

I’m hoping this reset is going to be the trick to keep me on a path of sticking to an eating plan that helps my body and puts me in a position of control with my body rather than feeling like I have none. If you’re subscribed to my youtube channel than you would have seen my first 3 daily vlog videos tracking my progress, it’s been a very interesting process to do the daily vlogs along with eating healthy but I’m glad i’ve committed to it because it’s holding me accountable. Check out the first 3 vlogs below and let me know in the comments how your detox has been going. Best of luck! xo