(New Post) “Dear Universe” Box DIY Project


Hey guys,

Lately I’ve been in a very whimsical mood, I’m searching for something but I’m not sure what it is and I’m pushing myself to find it. I’ve been constantly thinking about my potential and reaching all of my goals by any means necessary, and I’ve been thinking about “living” and what that means to me and truly giving my self the chance to just live.

A couple weekends ago my best friend and I decided to spontaneously have a “paint party”. I’ve told you guys a couple times that I love to paint and I discovered how enjoyable and relaxing it is a few years ago after having multiple dreams where I was painting, so I had to start! So my bestie and I got some wine, went to Walmart (since it’s cheaper than the paint store) and bought a few canvas’, some brushes and paint palettes and we went in!


It felt great to be present, relaxed and happy and just focusing on making something that felt good. Along with our canvas’ we bought small heart shaped boxes to paint and we decided to make them “Dear Universe” boxes. This is something I had been thinking about for awhile as another “self help” project that allows you to give your wishes, dreams, hopes and wants to the Universe. But not to be confused with some sort of  “genie in a bottle” because I don’t believe that we can ask the universe for something and just sit and wait for it to come. What I think you actually need to do is, to ask the Universe aka God and ask him to guide you in the right direction to get what you want. Writing it down and putting it somewhere that it can serve as a reminder or an unexpected surprise when you forget about it and then find it again. Sort of like that part in The Alchemist when he re-finds the two stones after a year of working at the Crystal shop and the stones remind him of what his goal and mission was in the first place and why he must continue on his journey. That is the Universe/God guiding you to get what you want. “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” (Paulo Coelho). 


So I created a “Dear Universe “ Box, I found a heart shaped box because I love LOVE, I’ve painted it my favorite color, pink and I’ve filled it with some of my goals, dreams and wants for my life. I plan to re-read the notes I’ve written every now and then as a reminder and I’m relying on my faith that I will get done everything that is in this box and that God will guide me in the right direction on my journey. This is a very simple DIY and if you need a little pick me up, I highly suggest creating one in a box, or jar or anything you’ve got that you want to make pretty lol.

Happy Wednesday, hope you guys are well!


  1. I’m going to do this! Your paintings are so pretty

  2. I’ve done something similar to this but with a journal. I write in it all the time. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Go Mija!!