(New Video Post) How To Gain Confidence #SelfLoveSaturday

Happy Self Love Saturday!


Hey guys? How are you doing? Today I want to focus on a question that I get every week and that’s “How can I gain confidence?” I’m always a bit stumped on how to answer this question because I don’t think there is a simple and quick answer that I can give to someone on how to gain confidence. Confidence for me has been a long journey in self discovery, patience and persistence. Confidence is very similar to Happiness, it’s an inside job and only you have control over it.

I treat my confidence like a muscle that needs to be worked and developed on a regular basis and I think it’s very important to see confidence in that way. I’ve never been able to rely on outside factors to help me build my confidence because the world is a cold and fickle place LOL and I mean that in  the nicest way, but I’ve grown up in the entertainment industry and for every person that loves you, there’s someone around the corner who thinks you suck! So I’ve had to learn to find confidence with in myself and I’ve worked very hard to keep it! Along the way though I have learned a few tricks to help develop and keep confidence, a few of the tips  I have mentioned before on the blog, but check out my video below on How To Gain Confidence and let me know what you have done to gain confidence.


  1. Confidence and peace go hand on hand. In order to have confidence, you must first have peace with yourself and your life. Peace simply means you accept life as it is. Confidence means you accept yourself as you are. You don’t have to be perfect and your life doesn’t have to have a disney type of ending but true peace and confidence means no longer being a slave to insecurities, imperfections, past pains, or experiences. It’s simply acceptance. Thank you for these videos.

  2. I love love love this! I know I needed this.THANK YOU, Andrea. Well said, thank you for sharing, :-)

  3. Beautiful as always, just glowing all over the place. Some things I’ve done that has worked for me was creating vision boards with affirmations, I also have them all over the place( my car, next to mirrors, in my bible along with a scriptures I study, my purse) and also on my Instagram. Thank you for sharing sis!

  4. Love the video! I have a post it note next to my mirror that I read from every morning and every night, I also have it in a little book that I keep with me. It has words of affirmation, what I like about myself, where I want to be, and what I want to like about myself. I’ve seen such an increase in my confidence in myself and my abilities since doing this. :)