(New Video Post) Start The Year with Self Love & Self Investment #SelfLoveSaturday



Happy Self Love Saturday!

Hey guys! Happy New Year! How are you? I’m excited, this is my favorite time of year because we all get a chance at a new beginning! For me this is a time of self reflection and goal setting and today I want to talk to you guys about the importance of your vision board and your overall theme for the year and how a new start on your self investment will help you to have a fantastic year. 2015 is my year of change, I plan on changing a lot of things in my life, all the things that I’m not satified with, any of the bad habits that I haven’t let go of, and finding away to go harder, do more and be better! It takes 21 days to make or break a habit so I’ve decided to start my year with two new challenges, the first being a 30 day flat Ab challenge with http://www.blogilates.com/ and then a 100daysofGratitude challenge. I did a 100happydays challenge a few months ago and it was a lot of fun and definitely had some challenging days but I decided to do the Gratitude Challenge because I feel like gratitude is very different from Happiness but the two go hand in hand. Like I mentioned before, this is my year of change and before I can make any changes to my life I need to feel grateful for what I have and a gratitude challenge will help as a constant reminder of that. Check out my video below on how I’m starting my New Year!

Happy Self Love Saturday!