(New Video Post) Transitional Phases #SelfLoveSaturday


Happy Self Love Saturday!

Hey guys, sorry I’ve been M.I.A over the last few weeks but I’ve been working, learning,  living and gaining more inspiration for the next level of my self love journey. Over the last few months I’ve been feeling more and more like my life is in a transition into a new chapter, everything I’ve done has been pushing me to make stronger decisions, take more risks and to go with my gut on decisions that have been lingering on my heart. It’s a good time but its scary too.

Being on my self love journey has allowed me to recognize when life is trying to teach me something and peel back another layer on who I am as a woman. Like I said it’s a good time but it’s very scary as well, but I realize that if it doesn’t scare you than it’s not worth it. So the best thing to do is embrace that fear, hold on tight and trust that you’re going to be glad you did it because you’re growing into something better! Check out my video below and have an amazing weekend.