(New post) “Whatcha been doin lewy?” …Updates and apologies

Sorry it’s been a bit slow but oddly “slow on the blog” is a good thing because it means I’ve been busy! What have I been busy doing, you ask? Workin’ workin’ workin’ day n’ night! 

I’m currently doing a play in the Toronto Fringe Festival called Bremen Rock City and it’s been doing incredibly well! The critics are calling it a classic, the next big thing and babies are crying tears of joy! No lie, I don’t make this stuff people! It’s been a truly amazing experience. This is my first time doing the Fringe Fest and I couldn’t have asked for a better show or group of people to work with. The creative team is young, fun and hungry to succeed and the cast is some of the most talented people I’ve ever been around! I’m love, love loving it! 

Check out some of these reviews

Toronto Star “Bremen Rock City A Must See”

Mooney on Theatre“Bremen Rock City Toronto Fringe Review”

Also it’s almost “Black Actress”  Time!! Yay! My “baby” web series that I had a successful indie gogo campaign with in March thanks to all of ya’ll!  After months of working on scripts, finding locations, hiring actors and so much more we’re finally getting ready to film this thang!!! I’m going to jump out of my skin I’m so excited! The first part of my adventure starts in Los Angeles and then New York, I’ll be giving you guys a lot of video updates and some promo videos coming in August and the series will premier on Issa Rae’s youtube channel  in September! Again I can’t even begin to tell you guys how excited I am for this dream turning into a reality! It’s been a long time coming and I’m so happy with the team I have around me helping to make this show a success. I’m blessed.

Annnnnd I’m working on NEW MUSIC!!! Woop! Woop! I’m a singer and I’m an artist and I’ll never stop making music and art! Seriously, I just can’t, my soul just refuses to quit. I’m currently working with some amazing producer/songwriters The Rezza Bros. A brother duo who truly are some of the best musicians I’ve ever worked with and they can do everything and they’re hilarious, I’m usually paranoid about losing my voice from laughing so much in the studio lol. I’ll have a video with them soon.

 So life is good! I’m grinding, I’m loving, I’m living and I promise to have more frequent updates/blog posts/video etc very soon! Thanks for reading, and subscribing, hope you’re all doing well and chasing your dreams! xo