Inequality for women, deportees & home again – A conversation with producer Jennifer Holness

I love Jennifer Holness and Sudz Sutherland! A film making married couple who are making some serious strides for people of color in Canada and shedding light on heart wrenching truths from the Caribbean. They have a new film in theaters called, “Home Again” about 3 deportees born in Jamaica but raised in Toronto, New York and London who have now been sent back because of criminal charges to survive in a land that they no nothing about. The film is very gritty and has a fantastic story. I was proud to be a Canadian – West Indian and watch this great film on the big screen and especially proud of both Sudz and Jennifer who put everything into getting this film made. I had the pleasure of speaking to them both about the film, life and the struggles of being a black person in film in Canada. Check out the interviews below.