Hey friends!
Today’s message is simple — JUST DO IT! Whatever it is, if it’s your happiness, weight loss, career change, climate change, mood change, LIFE change then DO IT!! Have faith not fear and take the leap!
Happy Self Love Saturday!!
Hey friends!
Today’s message is simple — JUST DO IT! Whatever it is, if it’s your happiness, weight loss, career change, climate change, mood change, LIFE change then DO IT!! Have faith not fear and take the leap!
Happy Self Love Saturday!!
Happy Self Love Saturday!
Today I want to talk to you guys about being “Grateful but not content”. I’ve been spending a lot of time working on my gratitude. If you follow me on instagram you’ll know that I recently completed my 100happydays challenge which was basically a challenge in Gratitude and I’ve been reading a lot about the importance of Gratitude. I recently read “What I know for Sure” by Oprah and she spoke a bit about being grateful but not content with her life when she was younger and it was this that helped to drive her to get further ahead but her gratitude helped her to not stress and remain happy on her journey. I’m definitely in this place in life right now, where I’m very happy with my life and my experiences but I’m in no way content with my life and I’m constantly looking for more. My self love journey has helped me to finally be okay during this time in my life whereas in my past I didn’t feel grateful, instead I was stressed and worried because I wanted more and I lost sight of being grateful. Gratitude has definitely helped me to understand the journey and all of the little messages and lessons along the way to growing, check out my video below on why I’m grateful but not content.
Happy Self Love Saturday!
Today’s video is inspired by a quote from Oprah to “Dream Big But Focus Small”. When I read this quote from Oprah a million light bulbs went off in my head because this is ALL I know how to do! I’ve told you guys many times that I have HUGE dreams that often keep me up at night and used to truly overwhelm me because I didn’t know where to start and how to make them my reality, until I learned how to focus on the small steps. When it comes to my self love journey and my career I have a big picture in my head but I’ve had to take the small steps in order to get things done and the small steps have been improving my health, conquering my fears, being shameless about my work, working on my craft and a whole ton of other steps that I’ve talked to you guys about on Self Love Saturdays. When we focus small we remain on the right path and get things done the right way, check out my video below on why you should “Dream Big but Focus Small”
The lesson that I’ve been taught and slapped in the face with multiple times this year is “to be present and just live” . Literally this lesson has come to me in every form that it can this year and I still manage to forget and get re-reminded all over again lol.
Yesterday I was watching “Super Soul Sunday” on OWN and the featured guest was poet and author Mark Nepo who has an extraordinary story and spirit that I was very inspired by. Oprah asked him to read one of his poems, “Free Fall” and it pretty much summed up the continuous lesson that I needed to learn this year, to be present and just live. I wanted to share the poem with you guys and give you a little bit of inspiration to start the week and to remind you as well to be present and just live! Enjoy the poem and have a great week!
If you have one hour of air
and many hours to go,
you must breathe slowly.
If you have one arm’s length
and many things to care for,
you must give freely.
If you have one chance to know God
and many doubts, you must
set your heart on fire.
We are blessed.
Every day is a chance.
We have two arms
Fear wastes air.
Copyright © 2025 · MISS ANDREA LEWIS
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