Hey guys!
A lot of you requested this video and it’s one of the most popular questions I get, so here is my video on the easy basic steps I think you need to Make a Web Series!
Hey guys!
A lot of you requested this video and it’s one of the most popular questions I get, so here is my video on the easy basic steps I think you need to Make a Web Series!
Hey Friends!
So literally on a weekly basis I get people asking me, “How do I start a youtube channel?” My usual response, is “just start one.” But since I realize it’s a lot easier said than done for some of you guys, here’s a video below giving you a few simple tips on how to start a youtube channel.
PS. The 2nd most popular question I get is, “How do I make a web series?” Video answer coming soon.
Happy New Year!!
Its the first day of the year and all of the plans, the resolutions and all of the other wishes are starting today! Like many others I am very excited for a fresh start and a new chance to apply the lessons I learned from 2016 into this year and form better habits to allow me to dream bigger and reach for more. I’ve been very fortunate to naturally be a self motivated person but I realize not everyone is like this and we all could use a pick me up every now and then, myself included to set us up in the most productive way. So to kick off my 2017 I made a list of my top 5 tips that I’ve used for staying motivated and having a productive year. Read below and let me know what are you doing to ensure that 2017 is your most productive year ever?
1.Get Motivated and Break Your Bad Habits
It takes 21 days to make or break a habit and a lot of people say it’s easiest for their mentality to start a new challenge on the 1st of the month. Take advantage of this day and mark it on your calendar as the start of your challenge and then mark off your completion day. Start with identifying the habit that you want to break ie. smoking, cursing, sugar, negative thoughts or the habit that you want to gain like reading daily, meditation, positive thoughts, daily exercise. Now take the baby steps to motivate yourself daily by starting everyday with a list of the tasks for the day and highlight the challenge on your list. Highlighting it is making it a priority for your day. I’m currently doing the 21 day detox again and on my daily task list I have the detox highlighted with a note to do a food journal through my day. Making the food journal one of my priorities helps keep me on task for my goal and learn healthy eating habits.
2.Meditation and Daily Affirmations
“I am _____” Look at yourself in the mirror and say 10 positive things about yourself and your life daily. This practice is proven to act as a confidence booster and personal motivator. Putting positive intention on your life aligns your thoughts with your daily work. Using daily affirmations and adding in meditation are the perfect way to keep you zen all year. I love meditation because I think it’s like having a very relaxing conversation with God. No words, just deep breathing and clearing your mind of stress, worry and daily distractions. The practice of meditation can be difficult to start, but if you focus on short periods of time, 5-10 minutes to begin it makes it a lot easier to build your practice up. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, relax your body (I prefer to be sitting, that way I don’t fall asleep lol) and focus solely on your breathing. I’ve also added in using meditation music to help keep my mind focused and the music is a big help in making me relaxed.
3.Get Creative
Get a notebook and write down 5 creative ideas that you’d like to do this year. Coming up with creative ideas is a great thing to aim for and look forward to in your year and can be equally as motivating and exciting as booking a vacation! So have some fun, dare and dream and ask yourself “what do you want to do?”
4.Plan Ahead
It’s time to make your plan for the next few months. Get a big white board, or a note book, or just a plain piece of paper, anything that you can keep in front of you daily. Take those creative ideas that you wrote down in the step above, and now it’s time to realistically write down a plan for them with a deadline for starting and completing. Plan out for the next 4 months, take the time to daydream about what your ideal work load looks like? Are you working like crazy from now till March because in April you’re taking a spring break? Or is the last Saturday of every month the deadline for a new chapter in the book your writing? All that matters is you write the plan down in a simple way and you have it somewhere in your room or home that allows you to see it everyday. Seeing it daily will act as a reminder and is the most helpful way for you to actually complete your goals.
5. An Accountability Partner
My mom always says “one hand washes the other” so ask for help from the people around you. We can’t do everything by ourself, and our friends shouldn’t just be in our life to look cute, so don’t be afraid or too prideful to ask them for help with your ideas and to hold you accountable. Ask a friend to remind you about your deadlines or even be a nag about completion dates. Send them a screen shot of your calendar and in the nicest way possible ask them to remind you about the important things and do the same for them.
I hope these tips will help, wishing you guys nothing but productivity and success in 2017!
Hey Guys!
Guess what? Two days till my birthday! Woop! Woop! But back to the subject at hand, on a nearly daily basis I get into conversations about my hair, whether meeting people with similar hair to mine and they want to discuss products or people asking how I got my hair to healthy state. I love having hair convos because hair is one of those topics that I find endlessly fascinating because similar to genetics we all have our own unique texture, curl pattern and much more when it comes to our hair. I decided today to open up the discussion with you guys and share some of the things that I have done along my hair journey to get my hair healthy and a little peek into my daily routine for how I do my hair. Check out the video below and let me know some of your own tips for getting healthy hair! Enjoy!
Hey guys! Happy Self Love Saturday
This is a post for anyone who wants to start a Self Love Journey but you don’t know where to start! I have 3 very simple tips that can help get you on your way!
1. Love Letters:
Keep a notepad by your bed and every morning when you wake up, write yourself a note! On this note declare the type of day you want to have and the way you want to feel about your self. Give yourself a little piece of advice to keep with you through the day. I find that writing it out is better than just speaking it into the universe because you are able to re-read this note through out your day.
2. Vision Board:
I absolutely LOVE vision boards! It’s a great way to create the life you want and have it as a daily reminder for what you want and what you’re working towards. If you haven’t done your vision board for 2014 yet, I strongly advise that you do. It serves as a great source of motivation.
3. Make a goal and give yourself a deadline:
This year I plan to not only have goals for the whole year but I’m also giving myself smaller monthly goals, 30 days to complete or try something new that’ll help me to improve as a person. I recently found a very inspiring story from a young woman named Lakeisha who wanted to lose weight and gain self-esteem in 100 days and she did it! I loved the story so much and I did a little more research and I found the site Giveit100.com This site is encouraging people to take a 100 days to go after a dream, there’s nothing too big or too small! On this site, people are documenting their journey’s and giving themselves 100 days to improve. A really think setting small goals and giving your self a deadline to complete it is a great thing to do! It gives you something to work towards and look forward to and helps to make a great habit of setting and completing goals.
Hope this small tips help, I’ll keep giving advice as I continue in my own Self Love Journey and figure out what works best for me!
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