(New Video Post) How I Changed My Life in 100 Days #SelfLoveSaturday

Happy Self Love Saturday!

How are you guys doing? My apologies that I’ve been slacking with the posts, but I’m coming back strong! Today I wanted to give you a little insight into how I turned my life around in the positive way in 100 days, by running. The running lead to overall working out, which lead to being more proactive about what I eat which lead to getting closer to God in away that I never imagined which has all equated to feeling, looking and being better! Check out my video below and I’m doing a Giveaway with As I Am Naturally that you’ll definitely want to be apart of!

(New Video Post) Stepping into Your Light

I created my youtube channel trailer this week and in doing it, I realized I’ve done a lot. Not to toot my own horn but I’ve been pursuing this thing for awhile and in creating my channel trailer it kind of felt more like I was creating a demo reel on my life’s work lol. It was an interesting experience on deciding what to put in, and how I wanted it to come across and just who and what is “Andrea Lewis Channel”. In the end I was proud looking back at it, thinking about where I started my career and then why I started this youtube channel and if my initial goals met my current ones.

My mission and my goals for my career are still the same as they’ve always been since I was a little girl but in reflecting on my career and my life as an artist I had a sad realization that I’d yet to truly step into my light. I looked back on my work and realized that I had a lot of moments that I could’ve done more. And this is not one of those “we’re our own worst critic” moments, this is real honesty, that I am actually capable of being, doing, acting, giving, living, having, believing, dreaming and did I say BEING more!

When I look back, there is always a moment that I can reflect on where I wasn’t giving my all, I wasn’t truly giving myself a fair shot at winning. The slightest and simplest self sabotage in the most irresponsible of ways. Not always consciously but most of the time just simply being lazy. As I’m writing this, I’m actually having an “ah-ha” moment of just trying to think why? The word safe immediately comes to mind. Maybe I found safety and comfort in holding myself back just enough? Like as if I’ve been willing to take just a little bit of risk, just a small leap of faith lol. But the full thing? The real pressure on myself to go 150% though? To be in the best shape of life? To work on my craft and my skills so feverishly that I could never doubt them? To think about my looks strategically and to be vain for just a moment so that it would benefit me? To finally find my light and actually stand in it? I haven’t done that, I know that I’ve just been comfortable and doing just enough.

One of my best friends, boyfriend always accuses her of only going 30% “She hasn’t tapped into her real potential yet, she’s not really trying yet.” Whenever he says it, I feel like he’s talking to me and not my friend. But birds of a feather stick together right? And he’s right my friend is only operating on her lowest setting, but her and I had a real conversation one night about her fears about herself. Her reasoning for holding back was simply her own doubt that she could handle the pressure. Afraid she’ll disappoint and not measure up to the requirements. But you’ll never know if you don’t try right?   

I’ve been fortunate to witness a lot of my friends and peers, take the challenge of stepping into and owning their light. Stepping up to the pressure and making the changes necessary to be and do what they wanted. They all found a way to own it, even if that meant they had to fight harder than they’ve ever fought before, but in the end that fight took their lives and careers to another level. And though I’ve gotten far and I’m grateful for all that I’ve learned and experienced, I’m now at a stage where my “cutting corners” and playing it safe is beginning to catch up with me and make me very frustrated and restless.

I’m sharing my honest thoughts and progress with you guys because I know that I’m not perfect, but I’m striving to be the best version of myself that I can be and that requires me to be open. I say all of this to say, if you’re anything like me, ask yourself honestly if you’ve found your light? And if you haven’t what do you need to do find it and own it?

You’ll never know if you don’t try

-Sincerely my nagging conscience.

(New Blog Post) The Analysis of ‘Choice’ #SelfLoveSatuday


Happy Self Love Saturday. Today I’m talking about choices.

Lately I’ve been analyzing my choices and why I do what I do, where it stems from? What these choices say about who I am, and what I want in my life and as well what my choices are highlighting about my mistakes?

Why does “drama” and stress come into my life,  And did I make a choice to invite it in? Because I really do believe that even in the negative or not so good things that happen in our lives we still had a choice in how we dealt with it and sometimes we had a choice in letting it in all together.

How many of us say, I don’t like “drama” but still have friends, people or situations regularly in our lives that invites drama or we may in directly find ourself involved?

I’m naturally very maternal and I find that along with this trait comes my need to help solve and fix the problems of others, especially if I feel like I have a lot of knowledge or understanding of the scenario. I’m also an empath,

Being an empath is when you are affected by other people’s energies, and have an innate ability to intuitively feel and perceive others. Your life is unconsciously influenced by others’ desires, wishes, thoughts, and moods. Being an empath is much more than being highly sensitive and it’s not just limited to emotions

I will easily scroll through my twitter or Facebook feed and read 2 or 3 stories, watch a couple videos and be in tears for a multitude of reasons. And my intuition is literally like a wifi signal for my friends moods and problems. I’m only realizing now that I’m like this, and in order to not feel overwhelmed with the problems of others I have to protect my energy and time because I will easily give myself to people and situations that can  drain me. I’m still learning this lesson and adjusting it regularly though.

I recently experienced a situation where my time and effort were taken for granted and the best way for me to explain the way I felt was, played. I was definitely disappointed, but my intuition kept saying to me in this moment “you played yourself”. Somewhere in this situation, I let my maternal instinct get the best of me and I made the choice to give my energy and my time. I made the choice to be forthright and involved in a way that I should’ve known would naturally put me in a place of vulnerability because I would end up expecting reciprocation or face disappointment. But either way my maternal and empath ways were going to end up depleted and I didn’t need to be. I made the wrong choice. I should have made the choice to help from the sidelines instead of carrying the baggage of someone else.

But I couldn’t help but ask myself why I made this choice? Why did I set myself up for disappointment? Did I not listen to my intuition or did my ego think I was capable of fixing something that was meant to be a lesson for someone else? I’m still not sure to be honest but all I know is somewhere I made a choice and the choice has made me analyze a simple and subtle problem that I think could’ve been avoided. I don’t like stress and drama but I walked right into it, I opened the door wide open and invited it in, so being annoyed in the end is no ones fault but my own.

But the loop hole that I missed has made me think, and think and THINK about what my choices say about me and how do they help me to move ahead in life? Do I make positive choices for myself? Am I self sabotaging even within a good intention because I am ignoring clear signs of “drama”? Sometimes self sabotage is not as obvious to us as we think it is, and one simple choice can lead you down a wrong path.

There’s nothing wrong with helping your friends, and there’s nothing wrong with being empathetic but taking on baggage, or parenting grown ups, these are choices that can lead to problems. And even within a good intention you can be making the wrong choice. A good intention should help both me and you in the end and that’s not being selfish, that’s just being smart.

I sincerely hope to learn and have a better understanding of my choices in 2017 and to leave the unintentional drama and stress behind.

 Have analyzed your choices? How have your choices affected you? Let me know in the comments below and have a wonderful Self Love Saturday & Christmas Eve! xo

(New Written Post) 2016, Discomfort, Patience & Faith


I broke my camera. I honestly feel lost not being able to use it everyday, edit and post a video. I hate missing a #SelfLoveSaturday so today I’ll be writing instead.

I’m in between apartments right now so my life feels a little more chaotic than usual, and even though I think I’m doing a pretty good job of riding the wave I can’t wait for just a bit of calm and to be settled. I think Mercury is in retrograde though so the uneasy feeling I have doesn’t surprise me. I have a mix of emotions going on that I need to settle but i’m not exactly sure how, which is why this post is going to seem like a big vent session. For the Leos:

Mercury enters Capricorn, one of the hardest working signs in the zodiac, on December 2. Mercury in earthy Capricorn will stimulate the sector of your chart that rules your day job and your responsibilities, as well as your health and habits. Expect to do a lot of talking about these issues this month! But don’t expect everything to move full speed ahead: Mercury retrograde begins on December 19.

I have a friend that I love dearly but there’s a few things that are annoying and concerning me that have come up in the last little while and truthfully my guard is up. I have a love/hate relationship with my own guard because 1. I hate the uneasy feeling & 2. It takes a while for it to go back down.

I know that my intuition is sharp and I don’t gain these feelings for no reason, but I haven’t figured out yet how to deal with the emotions & energy in a positive way. In a way that helps me to understand myself, my boundaries and my friends. In the last 5 years of my life I’ve had a few changed friendships because of this feeling but I’ve yet to come to terms with it. I still blame myself for the discomfort and loss of friendship, I question if I’m just a bitch or too sensitive. And I get frustrated that I haven’t learned how to channel and express these emotions in a clear and positive way.

I want to, I need to.

I’m ready for 2016 to be done with, it was a rocky year for me. I made a lot of upward progress in 2015 and then ’16 came and said “lets walk through this Quick Sand instead.” I fell into a depression again, I gained, lost and gained weight. I’ve struggled all year with what I’m supposed to be eating, if i’m not on a detox, then I regularly wake up with an upset stomach. Literally as I type this right now i’m in discomfort. I lost my relationship with my boyfriend (though I’m in a better place with it now) and I had a good chunk of the year where I had no clue what I was/should/need/want to do. And i’ll be honest I’m only holding on by a thread to the few confirmations that I’ve had in this later portion of the year. And that’s probably the most interesting part of it all — normally in my business as soon as Thanksgiving approaches things slow down a lot, but right now for me, its actually picked up. I’ve been filming for my production company like crazy, and its great! Its rewarding and exciting! I’m doing my best to have a different new year, a different outlook and experience and I actually think the work is going to pay off.

Like I said 2016 was not my favorite year of life but through it all I’m still optimistic for next year. I think a lot of good is going to happen so i’m anxious and ready for it to start. I’m going to try to figure out how to deal with my discomforts in a positive way that serves myself and those around me. And i’m going to continue to apply patience and faith to myself, and my years. Patience while in a struggle and faith that in the end it will all be okay.

(New Video Post) Gloing Up? What Now? #SelfLoveSaturday


Happy Self Love Saturday!!!

So we’re in phase one of the “Glo Up” what do we do now? This is when we plan, strategize and then execute. We know we want better for ourselves and to change and now the only thing to focus on is how? How, why and what do we need to do? I love strategy, it gives me energy to come up with a new plan and I’m truly excited when I begin to execute it. The last 2 weeks have been spent, dreaming, analyzing and planning for my future and accepting my present state. I feel hopeful, grateful and a lot more energized.

Take this weekend to make a plan for yourself, check out my video below and let me know how your beginning is going!

(New Video Post) 21 Day Detox Complete! [Vlog] #SelfLoveSaturday

Happy Self Love Saturday!!!

I did it! Woop! Woop! Completed the 21 Day Detox and look and feel great! Like seriously, so much more energy, focus and positivity was brought into my life over the last 21 days. My next challenge is a 5 day raw challenge, I’ll only be eating raw vegetables and fruits and nuts, seeds, juices and smoothies. Writing it out, it sounds pretty extreme lol but it’s only for 5 days and I really want to cleanse my system in every way possible so I’m excited for the challenge. For those of you who are doing the 21 day challenge with me, keep going! And if you’re thinking about starting it, I strongly encourage you to! You can find all the rules HERE

To follow my 21 day Detox Vlogs, click the links below

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7 &8

Day 9 & 10

Day 11

Day 12

Day 13

Day 14

Day 15 & 16

Day 17 & 18

Day 19

Day 20 & 21


(New Post) Art & Positive Affirmations #words #prettypics


Yesterday myself and one of my dearest friends, Rosco Spears had a day of art, palm readings and Shake Shack aka rejuvenating our spirits.

I’m working on listening to my intuition, enjoying my present moments, finding inspiration in everything I lay my eyes on and accepting where my journey has taken me and ENJOYING it! The good, the bad, the ugly, I just want to laugh, learn and love! Today was one of those days where I knew I was in the right place, at the right time, doing what I needed to be doing. Spending time with one of my closest friends, talking about our lives, our lessons learned, looking at beautiful and thoughtful art and eating a cheese burger.

It was a good day.








(New Video Post) “JUST DO IT” [Vlog] #SelfLoveSaturday

Hey friends!

Today’s message is simple — JUST DO IT! Whatever it is, if it’s your happiness, weight loss, career change, climate change, mood change, LIFE change then DO IT!! Have faith not fear and take the leap!

Happy Self Love Saturday!!

(New Video Post) Beauty Dare! Do Something That Scares You #SelfLoveSaturday

Happy Self Love Saturday!

In this video I discuss taking a leap in beauty by doing something that you’ve always wanted to do that scares you. I recently cut my hair and I’m learning how much people value hair, especially when you had long hair. Most of the responses I’ve gotten have been simply “why?” As if my hair will never grow back again lol. I cut my hair 1. Because I wanted to and 2. Because I no longer wanted to hold on to the fear that I’m only pretty with long hair or straight hair or curly hair or whatever other fears and insecurities I was putting onto myself. Beauty is all about the way you feel and I truly feel like there’s nothing on the outside that should make you feel more beautiful than you already do on the inside. I cut my hair to strengthen my own sense of beauty but having to push myself to rely on just ME and not my hair.

Whether it’s cutting your hair or changing your style whatever it is, try something that scares you! Test your own limits and rediscover what beauty is for you when you are no longer in your comfort zone.

For All My LA Friends Don’t Forget Self Love Celebration Event April 16 2016: Celebrating 100 videos, with an intimate discussion on self love, relationships and career over tea! Purchase tickets HERE selflovecelebration.eventbrite.com – Limited Seating Available.




(New Video Post) Self Care – Hair Routine @MixedChicks Gift Pack Giveaway


Happy Self Love Saturday!

Today I am doing a giveaway with some of my favorite hair products from Mixed Chicks Hair Care. To be entered into the giveaway use the above image and post it on twitter or instagram with the my handle @MissAndreaLewis (twitter) or @AndreaLewis (Instagram) and the hashtag #selflove or #selflovesaturday

This video is inspired by a question from last weeks #SLS video about self care. Self care is very important to me and I encourage everyone to take the time out of their week to properly care for themselves through exercise, prayer, good food, laughs, good company and having some time for yourself to be still. In this video I give you guys a look at my hair care routine which is my regular Sunday ritual.

Mixed Chicks Giveaway Gift Basket!!!
