@JungleWildTV Presents: Stir & Style with June Quan @Stirandstyle


The Jungle Wild Team and I are proud to introduce you to June Quan of Stir & Style. June is an awesome blogger who covers all things food and fashion! She has a drool worthy instagram page and just an overall awesome personality and this past week, we launched her new youtube channel!

June will be providing new content for my channel as well, and I hope you guys love her as much as the Jungle Wild Team and I do! Check out the video below, and “like” & “subscribe” to her new channel.

(New Post) Love Actually By @karynrosebruyning #BeyondComplicated

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We’re all just trying to figure it out. That’s it. Even those of us who seem to know what we’re doing only get to be so smart, after falling on our a face a few times (or in my case a TON of times).

These are the facts:

The key to a having a healthy, adult relationship is taking a minute to examine all the shit you did wrong in your last one, making the necessary adjustments, and doing better. Don’t bring any of your old baggage into your new thing. Simple as that.  Simple. As. That. What a phrase!

Here’s the thing though, being honest with yourself about who you are , why you did what you did, and why you do what you do is hard (as hell). Even more so when you’d prefer to believe that your failed relationship was ALL the other person’s fault. In reality, it’s never all on one person. If all you did wrong was ignore you intuition, then you did indeed assisted someone in getting to hurt (you).

Let’s say you know exactly what kind of crazy you are and have completely made your peace with it (as you should or be working to be better). The question then becomes are you honest with the other person? Did you walk in and tell/show them all of who you are and what that means? If the answer is NO, what you’ve done is successfully aided in making things harder for yourself and without questions setting you relationship up for more drama than necessary. You can’t be mad that this person made you steak if you never said you were a vegetarian and pretending to like steak when you hate it isn’t the right move either.

In our new web series, Andrea and I dig into how and why it all goes left in love. Love is never easy, but surely it doesn’t have to be this hard…BEYOND COMPLICATED





(New Picture Post) Bonfire Love with #TheSquadLA


My friend Lamingo and a collective of his friends have started #TheSquadLAAn Inspiring group of young professionals who have come together to share each other’s talents while creating a supportive and resourceful network. – I think it’s a really dope idea and a great way for young people of color to grow their networks and flourish in a positive way. Last night they had a bonfire event at Dockweiler beach in Los Angeles and a few of my friends and I went and it was awesome!








(New Post) My BF ran the #LAMarathon and I’m proud!

I wanted to post this on Valentine’s Day but it was a busy day.

My boyfriend is a runner, like a REAL ONE and this past Sunday he ran 26 miles in under 4 hours in the LA marathon and I’m really proud of him! It’s so exciting and inspiring to watch someone tackle a goal as intense as a marathon. It really makes me appreciate the fact that I regularly hang out with a person who takes life seriously, so I felt like this deserved a post.

Daily reminder: Surround yourself with people who are inspiring, interesting and constantly growing, it’ll help you in the long run.








(New Video Post) “YOU Are The Only Competition That Matters” #selflovesaturday #rejuvenatereinvent


Happy Self Love Saturday!

How are you guys doing? How’s your fitness journey going? Mine is just starting to really take shape and I am very excited about it. As I mentioned last week I am doing a 30 Day Body Transformation with my amazing trainer Luke Stedmond and a 30 Day Hot Yoga Challenge which I am in love with! So basically a large part of my day is spent being drenched in sweat, but I really don’t mind, because it’s all just apart of a much bigger goal.

This week a learned a very important and encouraging lesson in competition and it was simply that I greatly enjoy competing with myself! I love to challenge myself physically and see how much further I can go, can I do one more rep, can I pick up a little heavier weight, can I run a little farther? It’s exciting to see your own growth! I love competing with myself and it’s this intense competition that I am going to use to not only complete my 30 day challenges but also surpass my physical goals. If you are on a health and fitness challenge right now then I strongly encourage you to look in the mirror and realize that you are the only competition so go out there and really compete! Check out my video below, leave a comment and Happy Self Love Saturday!

(New Video) Rejuvenate and Reinvent Yourself #30DayBodyTransformation #SelfLoveSaturday


Hey guys!

Happy Self Love Saturday! I’m really excited for 2016 because this is going to be the year of my best body!

If you follow me on Social Media then you know that I have started both a #30DayYogaChallenge at Bikram Yoga LA and a #30DayBodyTransformation Challenge online with trainer Luke Stedmond . I am really going to be pushing myself in these next couple months to not only achieve my dream body but to also form healthy habits that will last the rest of my life. This year #SelfLoveSaturday will focus on Rejuvenating and Reinventing Yourself as I’ll be documenting my process and giving tips as often as I can on my journey, what I’m going through and how I am surviving. The first thing I am most excited about is that I’ve finally pushed myself to become a morning workout person in order to accomplish all of physical activity in the day and not be tempted to get lazy because the sun is down. I am not normally an early riser but its important to me to reach out of my comfort zone and give myself a fair chance to achieve my goals. I strongly encourage you to join me on this journey and push yourself this year to rejuvenate your self love journey by reinventing yourself! Check out the video and more information on the challenges below.


Follow @Luke.Stedmond

3-4 Days/week of Cardio (preferably fasted HIIT, wake up drink some water and then go do your high intensity interval training cardio for 20-30 minutes)

5 days/week of weight training, alternating between legs and abs, arms and shoulders, and full body work outs


Upon waking: 500 ml water, half lemon, teaspoon apple cider vinegar


1⁄2 cup of steel cut oats

1.5 scoop new zealand whey isolate

1⁄2 avocado

1/2 tbsp Almond Butter



4-6 oz white fish: basa, tilapia etc

1 cup greens (broccoli, spinach, rapini, asparagus, or any combo of sort)

1 scoop BCAA

 MEAL #3

6 oz white fish

1cup greens (broccoli, spinach, rapini, asparagus, or any combo of sort)


6 oz white chicken breast

1⁄4 sweet potatoe

1 cup greens (broccoli, spinach, rapini, asparagus, or any combo of sort)

 Cheat Meal

Burger – No fries.


Many yoga studios offer a 30 day special or introduction program, find your local studio and inquire. I strongly suggest hot yoga as it is very challenging but it also feels great to sweat and wake your body up in this way. To cut down on costs, go to groupon and look for deals within your area. This is also a great incentive to get started because, who doesn’t love a good deal!

Let me know what you guys are doing to challenge yourself physically in 2016! #rejuvenatereinvent

(New Video Post) Building Boundaries to Preserve Yourself #SelfLove

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Happy Self Love Saturday!

Hey guys, today’s video is inspired by the lovely Alex Elle, if you’re not familiar with her work, please go check out one of her books or follow her instagram page and get all the life you need! She’s an inspirational writer/poet/naturalista/love advocate and I have truly enjoyed and been inspired by her journey online with self love, romance and self discovery which is why it only felt right to celebrate her in todays video. Check out my video below on the Alex Elle quote below that I chose to speak on.

(New Video) #BlackActress Sn 2 Ep 5-8

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Black Actress is back! Woop! We took a brief production hiatus but now we’re back and better than ever. We pick up exactly where Kori left off and she’s still steaming mad at Romeo. He gives her an apology that luckily inspires growth within her acting classes with Stella. Her love life takes a turn for the worst while her acting career finally balances out and things finally start to look good for her.

Watch the last half of Season 2 Here and go check out the Finale of Black Actress at JungleWild.TV

(New Video Post) Improving Yourself & Taking Constructive Criticism #SelfLoveSaturday


Happy Self Love Saturday!

Today I want to talk to you about taking constructive criticism and using it to improve yourself. I’m currently in a transitional phase in life and re-discovering who I am, what I want to do and how to be my best self. In order for me to do that I have to be willing to take constructive criticism from those closest to me and accept what they are saying as something good and not get defensive and only hear it as negativity. Recently a lot of my friends have been telling me about myself, in the nicest way possible ofcourse, but nonetheless they’ve been calling me out on my BS.

I usually have a lot of pride and don’t want people to see me messing up or weak so it’s been very interesting for me to learn how to let others point out the areas that I’ve been ignoring but should definitely improve on. Constructive Criticism is always a good thing and shoud motivate and inspire you to keep going on your journey and push yourself to be the best version of yourself. Check out my video below and have a great weekend!

(New Video Post) #BlackActress Season 2 Part II is BACK!!! @JungleWildTV http://junglewild.vhx.tv/



Catch up on Black Actress Season 1 and Season 2 and pre-pay to be the first to watch the Season 2 Finale at http://junglewild.vhx.tv/.

They’re back! #Black Actress Season 2 left off on Episode 4 as lovebirds Kori (Andrea Lewis) and Romeo (Rob Vincent) continued on their emotional relationship rollercoaster ride. As season 2 continues with Six New Episodes, fans will watch as Kori’s temporary heartache with Romeo seemingly becomes exactly what she needs to break down her walls and finally tap into her emotions with her acting coach Stella (Essence Atkins.) The saying goes, “when it rains it pours” and that’s exactly what starts to happen with Kori’s career and love life once she meets a budding new producer/director Myles. Kori finally gets out of her head and learns to ride the wave.