(New Video Post) Don’t Be Afraid To Say “No” #SelfLoveSaturday

Happy Self Love Saturday!

Today’s video is a reminder to not be afraid to say “No” to the people, places and things that no longer grow you, help you, serve you or make your gut say “something .

I used to think saying “No” was starting a confrontation, and I hate confrontations! But after starting my self love journey and gaining more confidence in myself I started to realize it was okay to say “NO” to things that made me uncomfortable, and it didn’t make me the bad guy or confrontational, it just made me confident in who I am, and what I want and what makes me happy. Saying “NO” is okay! Check out my video below of why you shouldn’t be afraid to say “NO”.

Happy Self Love Saturday!


  1. This is something that I was just realizing the other day. Saying No is about being confident and valuing yourself enough to decline things that are not good for you. I am usually so worried about other people’s feelings but you’ve got to stand for you and not feel guilty for doing so. Something I’m still working on, thanks for the encouragement Andrea!

  2. I’ve had a similar situation recently with someone at church volunteering me to oversee a project that I was not invested in spiritually. Although I said yes to the situation I think it was a jab at me to see if I would succeed or not. Clearly I will succeed bc I have the power if the Holy Spirit on my side. Initially I said yes out of love and selfless service but I won’t be saying yes to something I feel uncomfortable with again. Esp. since I am pregnant with twins.. just don’t need the stress. There can definitely be a battle between yes and no.

  3. Hey Andrea, I don’t know if you are aware of this or not but, Oprah does these live broadcast things called Super Soul Sunday where she talks about a lot of topics that are similar to yours, ecpecially if you refer back to the Maya Angelou interview. I thought i should share, because maybe you would interested.

    Anyways, love you vids!! 

  4. This is why I love your videos you have an amazing spirit and you will say things that I’m thinking of and I enjoy watching how you express your love for making who you are better!!! It makes me happy to be on this mission of self improvement.