(New Post) Feeling Good Feeling Great! – The Plan Stays the Same!

Thinking of a master plan…

It’s January 29 2014 and I’m tired but I’m excited.

I’ve had the exact same “grand master plan” for my career for 25 years and it’s finally slowly but surely coming together. Today I had a really good meeting/convo talking about art, passion, entertainment and my journey in the entertainment business and it was probably the first time that I realized I’ve been doing this “thang” for a long time and my plan has literally never changed! I’ve improved it, adjusted it, stepped away from it to see it with new eyes but I’ve ultimately stuck to the exact same goals and used everything in my life as a stepping stone to get a little further each time. At the end of my meeting I felt pretty good for not giving up and giving in to anyone’s pressures to change and I was rewarded with a simple statement, “Andrea, I think the stars are lining up for you”  Hey now! I think they are too! Pow! Pow! Your girl feels good! 


  1. This post just really inspired me, thank you for always sharing your journey with us and positivity. Keep going!

  2. Great post. Congrats!