(New Post)Because I’m a Fan and inspired at the same damn time! – Jayz Magna Carta Holy Grail

Damn you Jay Z for endlessly raising the bar to almost untouchable levels and constantly making me overly excited for any project you’re doing!!

I saw this commercial/I’m a better business man than all of you jerks endorsement deal last night and I felt the way I always feel while watching JayZ, “HE’S SO AWESOME, How can I be as awesome as Jay Z?!” Am I the only that feels that way? I hope I’m not full blown crazy but as an artist (which naturally makes me 50-75% crazy) I’m always in awe and so inspired by what Jay Z manages to do as both an artist and a business man. He’s incredible! He always raises the bar visually, musically and as a business man, you just can’t help but be inspired by him! So mark your calendars because I have and July 4th should be a very good day!

P.S The soundbites in this video are all perfect! “We don’t have any rules everyone is trying to figure it out that’s why the internet is the wild wild west” Perfectly said!
