(New Video) Rejuvenate and Reinvent Yourself #30DayBodyTransformation #SelfLoveSaturday


Hey guys!

Happy Self Love Saturday! I’m really excited for 2016 because this is going to be the year of my best body!

If you follow me on Social Media then you know that I have started both a #30DayYogaChallenge at Bikram Yoga LA and a #30DayBodyTransformation Challenge online with trainer Luke Stedmond . I am really going to be pushing myself in these next couple months to not only achieve my dream body but to also form healthy habits that will last the rest of my life. This year #SelfLoveSaturday will focus on Rejuvenating and Reinventing Yourself as I’ll be documenting my process and giving tips as often as I can on my journey, what I’m going through and how I am surviving. The first thing I am most excited about is that I’ve finally pushed myself to become a morning workout person in order to accomplish all of physical activity in the day and not be tempted to get lazy because the sun is down. I am not normally an early riser but its important to me to reach out of my comfort zone and give myself a fair chance to achieve my goals. I strongly encourage you to join me on this journey and push yourself this year to rejuvenate your self love journey by reinventing yourself! Check out the video and more information on the challenges below.


Follow @Luke.Stedmond

3-4 Days/week of Cardio (preferably fasted HIIT, wake up drink some water and then go do your high intensity interval training cardio for 20-30 minutes)

5 days/week of weight training, alternating between legs and abs, arms and shoulders, and full body work outs


Upon waking: 500 ml water, half lemon, teaspoon apple cider vinegar


1⁄2 cup of steel cut oats

1.5 scoop new zealand whey isolate

1⁄2 avocado

1/2 tbsp Almond Butter



4-6 oz white fish: basa, tilapia etc

1 cup greens (broccoli, spinach, rapini, asparagus, or any combo of sort)

1 scoop BCAA

 MEAL #3

6 oz white fish

1cup greens (broccoli, spinach, rapini, asparagus, or any combo of sort)


6 oz white chicken breast

1⁄4 sweet potatoe

1 cup greens (broccoli, spinach, rapini, asparagus, or any combo of sort)

 Cheat Meal

Burger – No fries.


Many yoga studios offer a 30 day special or introduction program, find your local studio and inquire. I strongly suggest hot yoga as it is very challenging but it also feels great to sweat and wake your body up in this way. To cut down on costs, go to groupon and look for deals within your area. This is also a great incentive to get started because, who doesn’t love a good deal!

Let me know what you guys are doing to challenge yourself physically in 2016! #rejuvenatereinvent

(New Post) Taking Control of My Body – #FitnessJourney


My fitness journey has been very similar to my hair journey. I’ve tried it all and I’ve been in denial, I’ve thought my hair was completely different to what it is and I’ve also wished my hair was completely different to what it is. It’s been a long lesson in patience and acceptance that has ended in health and awesomeness! Now I’m finally doing the same with my body and taking full control instead of letting my body control me!

As you guys may know, I’m big on healthy eating and juicing and changing my diet over the past couple years has been a huge help for my skin and hair and maintaining a certain weight for my height. But when it comes to actually being in shape and happy with my body this has been a big struggle for me. It’s easy for me to lose and gain weight, a simple week of working out and I’m five pounds down or a week of “treating myself” and I’m ten pounds up! This constant flip flop is not only annoying but it leaves me feeling helpless and out of control and I’m over it! So this month I decided to FINALLY take control over my body and accept it for what it is and make the absolute best of it for the first time in my life!

For the past month I’ve been working out 6 days a week, and 3 days of the week with a trainer to learn how to properly do weight training. In the past year I’ve met a ton of badass chicks with amazing bodies who all told me that weight training is what got them there and with a ton of research I’ve truly become a believer that weight training and clean eating is all you need to get the body of your dreams .

A lot of women believe that lifting heavy weights is going to make them bulk up and look like a man but I want to burst all of the bubbles now and let you know that is simply not true. We don’t have testosterone or the bodies of a man and even the female body builders that you see have to bust their butts to get to that shape, so you don’t have to worry if that’s not the look that you want. But what lifting heavy weights will do is to help you shape and tone and give you a full body work out which is what we need! On top of that if we eat properly by making sure to have lean protein (turkey, chicken, fish etc), complex carbs (sweet potatoes etc) and healthy fats (avocados etc) in our diet and of course lots of fruits and vegetables we will definitely see positive results and be on the right track! A friend and fitness inspiration for me, told me to think of food as “fuel for my body and not just something I’m doing for pleasure” which has helped to put a lot into perspective for me and change the way I look at “treating myself”.

But like I mentioned before, it’s fairly easy for me to get into “basic good shape” but my new goal is to make it past my comfort zone stage and truly change my body into what I want and be happy instead of just satisfied with it. I’m in the beginning of my new fitness journey but I’m really excited and inspired by it and wanted to share it with you guys, I’ll keep you guys posted on my progress and I’m gonna do a new creative photo shoot once I reach my goal that I’m really excited about! Woop! And let me know, how do you feel about your body right now? Are you on a fitness journey and do you feel like you’ve taken control of your body? If you guys need support, I’m your girl! #TeamFitness #TakingControl.

(New Video Post) Fitness & Health [30 min Fitness Challenge] #SelfloveSaturday

Happy Self Love Saturday

Fitness and health are a very important part of your self love journey. Once you get your mind right you’ll want to get your body right too! Today I’m speaking with the super amazing body builder Nkechi @Keke1972 and a little bit about her journey with fitness and self love. Nkechi spoke with me about the importance of making time for our health and out of our 24 hour day WE MUST find 30 minutes to an hour for our fitness! She gave us all a month long 30 minute fitness challenge that will challenge you but also help to start you on the right track with your fitness journey in a smart and simple way. Give it a try and let me know how it goes, I’ll be doing it too! Check out the video below to hear more of her story. Enjoy!

Happy Self Love Saturday!

The Challenge:
20 jumping jacks x 3
15 star jumps
10 push ups
40 mountain climbers
15 lunges x 3
10 sit ups x3
(repeat until 30 minutes is complete)

30 Days of Juicing makes you a better person


I’m a juicer! If you follow me on instagram or twitter than you’ll know that about 60% of the time I’m posting about healthy eating and all the juices and smoothies I make on a regular basis. Juicing is something I believe in and will gladly preach about to anyone willing to listen.

My journey with juicing started about a year ago when I watched a documentary called, “Fat Sick and Nearly Dead” by Australian business man Joe Cross. This is hands down the most inspirational documentary I’ve ever watched in my life, it completely changed my life and my perspective on food. At the time I was already becoming more and more interested in changing my diet and my body. The last few years my weight and diet have been a huge struggle, I love bread, sugar and cheese and these are all things that are really not good for me and no matter how I tried I wasn’t able to remove any of these things from my diet. Watching “Fat Sick and Nearly Dead” made me realize how much will power plays into making a big change and how often most of us automatically think we can do it, or I could never, or I love food too much blah blah. The basic synopsis of “Fat Sick and Nearly Dead” is successful business man Joe Cross is sick and overweight, he’s tried everything to cure himself and nothing has worked. He decides to go on a 60 day juice fast (he’s ONLY drinking juice for 60 days) across America and talk to Americans about what he’s doing and what they’re eating. Every single person he came across said they didn’t have the “will power” to do what he was doing. Watching it was sad and a big kick in the stomach because I realized that this whole time I was no different from the strangers he interacted with. The fast changed his weight, his health and his overall life. The next day my boyfriend and I bought a Breville Juicer, went to the farmers market and bought $300 worth of vegetables and fruits started juicing. You may not believe me but we saw a change right away, we had more energy, felt better inside and out and our skin started to look better and this was just with the simple addition of one juice a day to go with our regular diet. During the summer I did a my first15 day juice fast, it was difficult, at times I hated it but by the end of it I loved it! I lost weight, I looked younger and I overall felt better.

On February 4th I stepped my game up and did a 30 day juice fast. The rules were 5 days of eating and juicing fruits and vegetables and then 10 days of just juicing, and I kept doing that until the month ended. This time I didn’t have the same “hate feeling” I had when I did the 15 day one, as a matter of fact it was the complete opposite, the entire time I felt amazing! There’s something about challenging yourself and seeing yourself succeed that builds your confidence and throws those old thoughts of “not having the will power” to the wind! I lost about 12 pounds, challenged myself with new workouts every week and started to actually believe in myself and love the change that I was seeing not only in my physique but in my mentality. Mentality is everything! If you think you can then you can, if you want it then go and get it. 30 days of juicing changed my health, my hair, my skin, my body, my mentality and overall made me a better person.


How to make a juice: Green Monsta! 



Swiss Chard

(a big handful of both use the whole thing, stems and all)

2 Cucumbers

2 Broccoli Stems

4 Green Apples

Chunk of Ginger root

Put this all into your juicer one group at a time, press it slow and enjoy!