(New Video Post) “YOU Are The Only Competition That Matters” #selflovesaturday #rejuvenatereinvent


Happy Self Love Saturday!

How are you guys doing? How’s your fitness journey going? Mine is just starting to really take shape and I am very excited about it. As I mentioned last week I am doing a 30 Day Body Transformation with my amazing trainer Luke Stedmond and a 30 Day Hot Yoga Challenge which I am in love with! So basically a large part of my day is spent being drenched in sweat, but I really don’t mind, because it’s all just apart of a much bigger goal.

This week a learned a very important and encouraging lesson in competition and it was simply that I greatly enjoy competing with myself! I love to challenge myself physically and see how much further I can go, can I do one more rep, can I pick up a little heavier weight, can I run a little farther? It’s exciting to see your own growth! I love competing with myself and it’s this intense competition that I am going to use to not only complete my 30 day challenges but also surpass my physical goals. If you are on a health and fitness challenge right now then I strongly encourage you to look in the mirror and realize that you are the only competition so go out there and really compete! Check out my video below, leave a comment and Happy Self Love Saturday!

(New Video Post) Start Planning For 2016 #SelfLove


Hey guys!

On today’s #SelfLove Video I want to talk to you about getting started on your 2016 goals and plans. I don’t believe in starting your new year resolutions on January 1st, instead I think you should begin your new year resolutions by no later than Dec 1st! Get started on your year early! For me, by time Canadian Thanksgiving hits (early October) I’m already planning what I want my next year to look like. The daydreaming and planning process is one of my favorite things to do, whether writing it down, building a new vision board or simply watching Ted Talks to gain inspiration, it was one of the most relaxing and fulfilling things you can do for yourself to prepare you for next year. Check out my video below and tell me some of your 2016 goals in the comments below.