(New Video Post) “What is REAL Beauty?” #SelfLove

Happy Self Love Saturday!

Today I want to focus on what REAL beauty is and where it comes from? In my opinion the only way to achieve Real beauty is to start from the inside out. That means the kind of foods that we put in our bodies to help us take care of ourselves! There are lots of different healthy foods that can you eat to decrease stress and boost your mood all while making your skin, hair and body better as well!

Enhancing my diet and making it healthier has been a mission of mine for a while and I can honestly say that taking the time to research foods, and make a conscious effort to improve my diet has paid off greatly for me. My skin and hair is better and most importantly my mood is better and my body now craves fruits and vegetables on a regular basis. Self love is about taking care of your self in every way possible and your diet is very important and can make or break the quality of your life because health is wealth! Check out the video below and take a look at your diet, hopefully it’s heading in the right direction. Happy Self Love Saturday!


  1. Happy Self-Love Saturday!!!! Self love starts inside! How do you take care of yourself? What you put inside directly reflects how you feel on the outside!! I love this! A little affirmation for those of you who are thinking of taking some healthier steps! Thanks Andrea!!

  2. for QnA I read and watch everywhere that water is vital for clear skin do you have ways to encourage us to drink more water? and the gratitude journal worked wonders for me do you have any more tips along those lines/

  3. Your videos have helped me so much <3 !!

  4. Hi Andrea. I love this installment of Self Love Saturday. Fruits, veggies, dark chocolate (I do love milk chocolate lol) and yes WATER are so very important in our lives. Thank you for reminding us. As far as makeup, I know the younger me did use it as a cover up for things I did not like about myself. But as I have gotten older and wiser I like who I am and I wear make up to enhance who I am now. You are a wise young lady, thanks again for your words of encouragement. God Bless You! :-)


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    (New Video Post) “What is REAL Beauty?” #SelfLove